The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)

Page Two THE BILLINGS GAZETTE Thursday Morning, May 27, 1954 Building Permit Total Soaring Many New Houses Add to Estimate Several new houses and other large building permits have boosted city construction estimates over the two million dollar mark this month, Ted Duke, building inspector, reported. More than half the $2,093,500 figure recorded up to Wednesday was from the largest Billings permit ever issued, for $1,511,000 to the Midland National Bank for a new building at 301 N. Broadway. Other large permits, however, have added to the total. permit for, $75,000 Railroad was issued new to freight the depot and loading CHock at 423 N.

27th St. Peace Lutheran Church took out a $61,000 permit for a new church at 1301 Ave. John W. Nolte was issued a $30,000 permit for addition of a second floor to the shopping center at 1233 N. 27th and Earle Brown was issued a permit for 8 new house at 2820 Highwood Dr.

Permits for other new homes have gone to Roy W. Engelhardt, 1340 Crawford Ed Wittmer, 1614 14th St. Borgan Construction 1816 10th St. Virgil A. Wagner, 1146 Princeton Ave.

and 2517 Illinois $11,000 each; R. N. Adams, 1041 Ave. $14,000, and Vernon Solheim, 1347 Ave. $14,000.

Other large construction includes permits to Wallace Hopkins, 620 S. 25th $6,000, move in a house; Robert E. Graham, 723 S. 33rd basem*nt for future house, Perry Parkin, SHAW CABINS LODGE COOKE CITY, MONT. We will have your favorite cabin ready for you for Memorial weekend.

SAM EUPHIE FOUSE Finest FUR STORAGE REPAIRING RESTYLING State CO. FUR 223 North Broadway Phone 5-5200 8th Ave. $2,000, adition to house. Construction permits for. projects estimated at from $50 to $1,000, have been: Vernon E.

Lees, 1115 Burlington garage addition; Ollie V. Guenther, 618 N. 26th new steps and siding repairs; Emery Payne, 18 Burlington, new siding and steps; Slovak 105 S. 37th addition; John Burkhardt, 911 S. 27th porch addition; Montana Conference, EUB Church, 215 Burlington kitchen remodeling.

Donald J. Powers, 1109 Yale attic remodeling; Ray Coakley, 2712 6th Ave. house siding; Bert Larson, 118 Washington garage; Olaf P. Gregerson, 736 Alderson attic remodeling; Perry Parkin, 2916 8th Ave. house addition; Tic Toc Cafe, 323 N.

23rd aluminum awning, and E. B. Shaw, 2104 Elm house addition. Burglary Suspects Make Other Entries Two young men suspected in the theft of $25 from a purse of Mrs. M.

L. Paulson, 123 N. 32nd St. Tuesday apparently entered and ransacked two other residences in the same block, accordling to reports made to police. Genevieve O'Donnell of Apt.

3 at 115 N. 32nd and Helen Wight of 32nd reported entry was made but nothing seemed to be missing. Police were told the men, both about 20 and one wearing a truckdriver-type cap, were seen in the vicinity of the houses. Mrs. Paulson noticed $25 had been taken from her purse after the men left her rouse, where they told her they had entered by Ampickpocket report was made by Jesse Swenson of Miles City, who said the wallet was believed lifted from pocket in the Maple Leaf Club.

It contained no money, he said. The Yellowstone sheriff's office was told a large six-volt battery was taken from a tractor the Billings Sales Co. while it was parked in a lot north of the 1100 block on 1st Ave. N. Water Improvement District Is Created By Commissioners A new rural special improvement district, No.

227, for water main installation was created by the of County Commissioners after all owners in the proposed area signed petitions and waived a protest hearing. Bids were called to be opened June 21 at 10:30 a.m. Six inch water main is to be installed north from Poly Dr. for 380 feet on Beartooth Dr. Estimated cost of the district is $1,600.

At Bismarck DICKINSON, N.D.-The following members of the Dickinson Eagles auxiliary went Bismarck to attend institution rites the Bismarck Eagles Auxiliary: Marie Tweeten, Maud Hager, Marjorie Hassebrock, Emma Kostelecky, Margaret Huschka, Martha Novotony and Emma Kubas. Billings Church Opening Planned Regular Services To Begin Sunday The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Billings will begin regular services Sunday at the former First English Lutheran Church at 6th Ave. N. and 32nd St. Purchase of the church property from the First English Lutheran congregation was recently completed through the Christian and Missionary Alliance group's district headquarters at St.

Paul, Minn. A special service marking the formal opening of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church here is planned at the church Tuesday night when the Rev. L. W. Pippert, district superintendent, will be principal speaker.

The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Volstad, who spent 26 years as missionaries of the Alliance Church in Peru and Chile, South America, will head the new Billings congregation. Mrs. Volstad is a former resident and a graduate of Billings High School.

She is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and a sister of Ingvald Anderson of 306 Yellowstone Ave. She and the Rev. Mr.

Volstad were married here in 1927 and soon after left for foreign missionary work in Peru. They returned to Billings about a year ago to make their home at 132 Ave. D. The Rev. Mr.

Volstad said here the Christian and Missionary Alliance has grown from modest beginnings in 1880 to a world-wide missionary service. Its founder, Dr. A. B. Simpson, placed special emphasis on foreign missions.

The Alliance now lists 720 active missionaries in 21 foreign lands and last year Alliance Churches of the United States and Canada contributed $2,400,000 to support its globegirdling program of evangelism. International headquarters are in New York City. It was announced by the Rev. Mr. Volstad that a special meeting at the Billings church next Wednesday night will feature the appearance of two Italian evangelists and musicians, Ralph and Lou Sutera.

Funeral Services Held For Local Resident Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Louise Goddard, 58, wife of Charles A. Goddard of 331 Burlington were held Wednesday afternoon at Smith's Chapel with the Rev. Glen Braswell of the Southern Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in Mountview Cemetery.

Mrs. Goddard died Saturday at a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D.

B. Lightner sang, "My Home Sweet Home," "Rock of Ages," and "In the Sweet Bye and Pallbearers were Charles Barron, Guy Eaton, Claude Foster, Ben Johnson, Jim Tannehill and Milton Westlund. Survivors in addition to Mrs. Goddard's husband are one son, one brother and three grandchildren. Vacation Dreams Can Become a Reality When You Save for a Purpose! At The Midland! Begin now! Save for a vacation, an education, a home, a car but above all, save regularly at fo The MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK Hear the Lyn Murray Show Each Monday Evening at where EVERY 6:30 on KOOK Radio Customer is Important! Member FDIC Billings, To Speak Here A Robert S.

Van Atta of Rochester, N.Y., member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday at the First Church of Christ Scientist, Burlington Ave. and Division St. He will speak on "Christian Science, What It Is and What It Does." He at one time was an engineer for the Panama Canal and on railroad construction and later was an aeronautical' engineer with the Army Air Corps. He has been a student of Christian Science since 1913.

Former Justice Files for Post A former justice of the peace, Ray Anderson, 110 S. 31st filed his Wednesday to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for justice of the peace in Billings township. Anderson, a former alderman from the Fourth Ward, served four two-year terms as justice of the peace between 1914 and 1920. He also served four years as Billings police judge, his last term ending in 1922. During the eight years he was on the city council, Anderson served on most of the important committees of of of of of of of of of of the council and was chairman of finance committee for three terms.

He was appointed a United States commissioner by the federal district court in 1916, and served a total of six four-year terms in that office. In recent years Anderson has been engaged in the insurance and real estate business, and was employed by the station department the Burlington Railroad for eight years in Wyoming. The candidate is a past noble grand of Billings Star lodge No. 41, IO0F, and a past president of Billings aerie 176, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Public Hearing Slated On Timber Access Road DUBOIS (A) A public hearing will be held here June 9 on the construction of a timber access road 6.6 miles long from the Norse Creek Ranger Station to Parque Creek.

K. C. Wilson, supervisor of the Shoshone National Forest, said the road is being considered to remove 15,838,000 board feet of marketable timber. Camera-Eyed Police Detective Spots Parole Violator DENVER (U.P)-John P. Elliott, 27, a Wisconsin violator and fugitive from Massachusetts, was taken to police headquarters for fingerprinting Tuesday.

I seen you somewhere beforeyen asked Detective Socar Nelson. "Could be," Elliott replied. "I'm a window washer. I've washed windows here in the police AEC Announces Deadline for Lease Applications LANDER (P) Monday will be the last day applications will be received on claims staked on public oil and gas lease lands between Dec. 31, 1953 and Feb.

10, 1954, the Atomic Energy Commission announced Wednesday. Sheldon P. Wimpfen, manager of the AEC operations office at Grand Junction, said that during the three period there was no method of validating uranium claims staked on lands closed to mineral entry. This, he explained, was because of existing mineral leases, including oil and gas. Wimpfen said miners and prospectors who have located tracts as mining claims on the land in question and wish to apply for mine leases under provision of Circular Seven should file their applications promptly.

Roundup High Lists Three Honor Students ROUNDUP Four-year honor students for the 1954 Roundup High School graduating class are Claudia Fletcher, Leroy Langan and Sharon O'Neill. These students comprise the top ten per cent of the class. Claudia Fletcher was awarded the University of Montana high school honor scholarship. The Roundup High school 1953- 54 academic honor roll, those students who were on the honor roll for five consecutive periods, included Nancy sig Olinger, Nancy Kuni, Raymond Rech, Jane Lee Laurie, Thomas, Iverson, Patricia Gillen, Devine, Ruthann Cruickshank, Virginia Cartwright, Sharon O'Neill, Clauda Fletcher and Cheri Fletcher. Group Discusses Red Cross Unit Volunteers Plan Is Explained Here Aims and operations of the new office of volunteers under the American Red Cross program were explained to officials of the Yellowstone Chapter of the Red Cross at a meeting Tuesday night at the home.

of Miss Bernadette Martin, 43 Clark Ave. The discussion was by Mrs. Alice Trawl of San Francisco, assistant director of the office of volunteers for the Pacific, area, and Charles Tator, Red field representative for Eastern Montana. They told the local group the new office of volunteers is being offered individual chapters after three years of study by the national chapter. Stressed under the new office, they said, are recruitment, training and recognition, with special emphasis on training and tion of all volunteer Red Cross workers, including board members, chapter chairmen and chairmen of various projects.

Fred W. Marble Yellowstone Chapter chairman, presided meeting. Other chapter officials attending were C. H. Bigelow, vice chairman; Mrs.

Cedric Nelson, secretary, and Mrs. Jeana Kabrich, executive secretary, the following project chairmen: Mrs. Kenneth Roahen, chairman, and Mrs. C. B.

Hurd and Mrs. Robert Mulvaney, vice chairmen, volunteer services; Mrs. Dick Logan, home service; Hugh Morris, fund campaign chairman for 1955; Mrs. M. L.

Burg, staff aide; Mrs. James D. Morrison, blood program; Miss Martin, home nursing; Mrs. Sidney McArthur, nurse enrollment; Mrs. Ray Moore and Mrs.

W. H. Mc- Wonderful Help for Itching Misery caused by Skin Dryness When loss of moisture -so common to aging skin--causes stubborn, itching torment, lanolin rich Resinol Ointment relieves amazingly. Special medications soothe fiery itch--lanolin oils and softens dry skin--relief follows. Callie, unit chairmen of the Grey Ladies; Mrs.

Reuben Breske, Junior Red Cross, and Mrs. G. 1 E. Samel, canteen. To Inspect Prison HELENA (U.P) Gov.

J. Hugo Aronson will lead an inspection party on a visit to the state prison at Deer Lodge Thursday. The governor is expected to drive members of the state board of prisons to Deer inspect installations. Secretary, of Sam Mitchell, been not State. expected to make the trip.

Attends Rites DICKINSON, N.D.- Mrs. Peter Hnottavange returned from La Junta, where she had called by the death of her stepfather, Chester Norton. Funeral services were held at Fowler, Colo. CUT FLOWERS LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN BILLINGS VOLLY'S FLOWERS 101 South 31st or Northern Hotel Phone 7-7000 SAVE WATER! WITH A AUTOMATIC MAYTAG WATER LEVEL Automatic New economy feature CONTROL saves as much as 9 galIons of water for small loads of clothes. WESTWOOD'S MAYTAG SHOP 113 North 27th Street Phone 9-3529 New Every Day" 'BRING THE CHILDREN" and come dressed for fun over the DECORATION DAY DOUBLE HOLIDAY Maybe an invitation from a neighbor who has a cabin in the mountains or from grandma on the farm.

Dressing the tots with all sorts of sturdy play clothes is no small part of the holiday enjoyment. Girls' Bathing Suits 1 to 6x 1.95 to 3.95 Boys' sizes 1 to 12....................1.65 to 2.50 20 09 SUN DRESSES One-Piece Bolero 00 or Style 200 3 to 6x. ..1.95 to 4.95 7 to 2.95 to 5.95 GIRLS' PLAY SHORTS Seersucker Gabardine, 7 to 14- 1.95 to 2.95 PEDAL-PUSHERS 2.95 to 3.95 BOYS' SEERSUCKER PLAY SUITS 4.95 BOYS' SEERSUCKER SUN SUITS 1.25 to 1.50 BOYS' FADED DENIM A LEVIS, 4 to 14. 3.95 Jackets to 3.95 GIRLS' FADED BLUE DENIM LEVIS Western Style 2 to 7... 2.95 8 to 14...

3.50 The D.I company.

The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.