Our first Rp - Chapter 1 - Alaina0234 (2024)

Chapter Text

Hi! I don't know if you remember but I'm part of Melody's rp group... I was just wondering, now that the rp group didn't worked out if you want to rp with me 😅😬
December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Cool!!! So... How do you want this to work?
December 7, 2018

Hmm... Let me think.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
December 7, 2018

Post Ultron? Everything same in the MCU.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Ok, sounds good to me, so do you have an Oc? Or you will use the same of the group?
(sorry if I make a lot of questions)
December 7, 2018

You can use any new Oc if you wish I will be using the one from the group and do not apologize I ask far more questions when beginning a RP.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Ok, thanks, I will use the same too, it could be interesting because I think you are Loki's daughter and he is my crush, do you have a crush?
December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018

I do not have a crush.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Ok... Do you have some rules onr specifications?
December 7, 2018

No, I am fine with pretty much anything.
December 7, 2018

So would you like to start?
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
You start please... I'm pretty new im this rp thing and I learned that everybody has a style to do it
December 7, 2018

It was a bright sunny day not a cloud in the sky at the New Avenger Facility, Celia was in the kitchen practicing a new spell while she (the cook) began to prepare some lunch for the others. A simple, but tasteful meal of BLT with some fruit. Simple yet chaotic with the will-o-whisp a mystical creature from legend to steal the souls of travelers...
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was on the library, looking for something new to read, she spent almost the entire day there because the team recluted her recently because she was suspicious of treason back in NY.
December 7, 2018

(I do apologize my dad needed my help)
The furious will-o-whisp whom only wish to do it own thing, began to set numerous things on fire, the sprinkles went off causing the bacon to stop cooking, "Javis sprinklers off." Celia spoke her voice sharp, the whisp disappear back to it's realm. Celia cast a spell removing the water from her clothes and making it flow into the sink. A loud groan left her lips, she must clean the kitchen from all the water...
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(And I am even more sorry, my phone died and I jus came back home)
Nat found a book to read, but suddenly she felt herself get hungry, so she went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Once there she saw the mess, "Hi Celia... What happened? Do you need help?"
December 7, 2018

(It okay!)
December 7, 2018

Celia took a long deep breathe, she preform a spell holding the water in her grasp before she direct it towards the sink, "no it was a simple mess to clean."
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat takes a seat just in front of her, "that was awesome by the way... Where did you learned to do that?"
December 7, 2018

Celia smirk, "it was in a little valley in Ireland where I was born and raised for centuries unnoticed. My father taught me to the best of his knowledge, but he was always more of a trickster than I. I learn from the many books of my mother's, but nature itself taught me... " She spoke casting illusions of her stories in her hand before she close the palm of her hand, the images disappear into nothing more than green dust.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"That's very impressive" Nat said, then paused, "do you have any news about your father?" she grabbed an apple and gave a bite.
December 7, 2018

Celia pause, her father cries rang in her ears a sword stab through his chest... She shook her head getting rid of the torturous memories which will forever haunt her sleep and thoughts. "He was killed years ago, it was the last time I have ever step foot in Asgard." she spoke softly, she turn on her heels to see the bacon which she flip in the pan...
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"so sorry, it's just... Iwas hopping that this would be a like the last time you know?" She could not help to talk about him, after all it was HIM who put her world upside down years ago.
December 7, 2018

She smile a bit, "thank you... I also wish it was so." She did, but she did not know if she could handle her emotions of he did... fake his death. She knew it would break her if she learn he did, but she could be with her father again... Give him a hug, a kiss on the cheek which she hasn't done since before he fell. She flip the bacon hiding her emotions behind her actions. It was distraction from all her thoughts.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just sighed, she knew that the subject was still hurtful for Celia and by God she was bad at those kind of situations, but she already knew that some things weren't meant to be kept inside and that maybe it would be good for Celia to have some supporing her, "I know that everyone here says the opposite,, but he was a good man. It's important for you to remember that"
December 7, 2018

She hum, she did know. Her father merely snap after centuries of being a mere shadow to his brother, yes her father certainly went out of line... Twice, but he was hurt, by his family, than once again hurt, torture, manipulated by... Thanos. He broke her father, she was the only one who saw the things he did to him, not all of it, but enough to break anyone... "He was merely a man whom was broken, who was lost." She spoke placing the bacon on a plate, she grab a pair of toast roasting it in her hand by a simple flame.
December 7, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat nodded, "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't brought this up... It's just... Never mind.... I'm sorry" she looked down at the table
December 8, 2018

Celia chuckle... "Do not apologize, I merely a person who have darker thoughts than most." She spoke her back to her while she grab the mayo from the refrigerator along with lettuce to make a sandwich. Which she, she placed the sandwich on a plate and offer it Nat.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat smiled softly, "thanks" she said to her, "You are really sweet" she took the plate and placed it on the table, she thought that the best thing to do was change the subject, which she did, "how did you get here? With the Avengers I mean"
December 8, 2018

Celia began to make herself a sandwich beginning with the bread, "I join SHIELD after another story from another time, looking for answers to where my father was... Phil became my mentor for years, teaching me how Midgard work, he was also kind enough to let me live with him. My father began his plan, with the Avengers and I ending it..."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nad nodded one more time as she gave the sandwich a bite, "I'm not a fan of bacon but this is delicious... It's funny that I didn't saw you before, well I wasn't really part of the Avengers back then... I was recluted from the battle" and why, because the big mistake she committed when the God of Mischief scaped from his prison, when she was guarding him.
December 8, 2018

Celia eyes had a certain shine to them, "you may have, but I merely played with your mind as you mere l were seeing things..." It was quite true, she did. She had a conversation with her father which was hid by illusion and such. Her father was so far down the rabbit whole it took till she remove her sunglasses to tell who she was...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat looked at her and with curiosity, "what do you mean?" she stood up, making her gun appear behind her back.
December 8, 2018

She created a string of silver, "I merely made myself into a illusion of a shadow, which will cause you to believe you saw nothing..." She explained preform the spell, she broke it once she began to bite into a peach sitting next to her. " it is quite a hard spell to master, but it certainly helps if you are trying to run away from someone or hide. "
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat swent back to her seat, making her gun disappear again, after all that was her training, shooy to everything suspicious, "Why were you hiding?"
(how about if we mix things up with Rarnarog?)
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
*Ragnarok sorry
December 8, 2018

Celia let out a long sigh, "I was afraid I would be seen as a threat for who my father was, so I hid behind my illusions... Of course they didn't learn who my father was until the invasion began because my father told Thor."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"This team... They are really good people but they are really judgemental too, I understand that very, very well" Then her phone rang, "excuse me one second" she answered and went outside to talk, after a moment she came back with a shocked look. "Celia, do you trust me?" she asked moving towards her.
December 8, 2018

Celia shrug, "the truth a bit, not fully, but as a good friend if that does make sense. Why do you ask?" She was cautious, she did not wish to be betrayed once again. She been betrayed enough as it was. Trust is not a easy thing to gain from her...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"it works for me" she grabbed her hand and suddenly sge teleported to Bleecker street, Nat knocked a door. A tall man with a blue and red suit opened it, "come on in" he said, "Thanks Steven" Nat said and walked in.
December 8, 2018

Celia was ill surprise by the situation she was in... Wait she knew this place, she had not been here in centuries. "The New York Sanctum..." She mumble to herself , she had only been her a few times to help the Ancient One many centuries ago. Yet she did not see her.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Is she..." Steven asked.
"His daughter, yes... Can we see him?" Nat asked back.
"But I can't release him, I hope you understand that" Nat nodded.
Steven stared to trace circles in the air and a portal opened. Someone was yelling inside of it, it was a man, it seemed that he was falling.
"He can't see or hear you" The man speaks again.
December 8, 2018

(Be off and on watching baby brother)
Celia raised a brow, "I do not understand, what is happening?"
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(It's ok, don't worry)
"Look... He came back, I assume that Thpr is on its way" He says.
Nat looked through the portan an she saw him, Loki falling through an endless void. She gasped, she wasn't sure if that was a bad or a good thing.
December 8, 2018

Celia raised a brow, Thor was on Midgard? Why did he not sent her a raven to tell if his arrival to her... She look to the man, he seen to have the cape if levitation, a cape who decide who their master are usually mastery sorcerer. The cape one had a soft spot for her...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia, you have to see this" Nat took her to the portal where Loki was falling, " What does this mean Steven? Why are they here, why now?"
Someone knocked the door again.
December 8, 2018

Celia raised a brow, she look towards the portal. A man with long raven hair wear a all black suit with a pair of emerald green eyes... She took a step back from the portal...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Wait here" the man and the portal disappeared.
"Celia, are you alright?" Nat asked to her, really worried.
December 8, 2018

Celia knuckles became a ghostly white, "yes I am fine," a simple lie left her lips, her mind was spinning with emotions deep down...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat didn't believe that but she wasn't ask anything else, she kind of understood her, if Loki was set free she would kill him for real this time, or at least that was what she was telling to herself. "you should sit down" Nat took her to a bench, "you must be a little confused by this... Strange man with a cape" she smiled softly
December 8, 2018

Celia took a deep breath, "a little unnerved is all..." She ran a hand through his hair, she was trying to calm her emotions and collect her thoughts on the matter. Still why was Thor on Midgard? He was in gain for the knowledge of the stones like she once was... Wait, "he was wearing the eye of agamotto..." Or also known as the time stone. The Ancient One would never allow such things.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
His name is Stephen Strange, you may heard of him before... He was one of HYDRA'S targets on the INSIGHT project... Fury made me watch him after that, just in case, then he had an horrible accident which leaded him to Kamar-Taj to learn the" mistic arts" and he became master of this sanctuary" Nat explaied to her
December 8, 2018

Celia nod her head, she had been gone for a few years traveling the galaxy so she is a bit behind on Midgard new protector... She had arrived when Tony made a murder bot, so she been a bit busy, but she was catching up. "I see, but it does not explain... Thor?" She heard a loud ringing of metal hitting metal full the room.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
That's when Dr. Strange appeared back on the room with Thor rolling down the stairs, "what's goun on here?!" Nat walked towards them as Thor stood up,.
"I'm looking for my father... Good to see you again Natalia... Celia?" Thor said first looking to Nat then towards Celia.
December 8, 2018

Celia stood awkwardly on her feet, "hello Uncle." She greeted politely giving a bow before standing up again once more, "I suppose my father take his death and put Odin over a spell to believe he was a old Midgardian man, yes?" It was not complicate to see her father plans, it was quite a simple one indeed. Through it certainly hurt to know he cared for the throne more so than her.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Indeed he did..." Thor answered.
Stephen opened a new portal, "He's waiting for you" he said to Thor,.
"alright" he answered.
"Don't forget your umbrella"
"yes... Sorry" it seemed that Thor's umbrella was braking things on its way, then it arrived covered by pieces of broken glass, "I suppose I'll need my brother back"
"Yeah. Right" Strange said and opened another portal and Loki fell from it.
December 8, 2018

Loki flip.his hair out of his face a scowl on his face, "I have been falling for thirty minutes!" He roared out he stood onto his feet with a pair of daggers in each hand... His rage filled eyes meets Celia along with her piercing silver eyes...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nad stepped back, she couldn't face him now, not in front if his daughter and brother, but she felt her heart beating.
"I think you can handle him from here" Strange said to Thor.
"Yes of course. Thank you very much for your help" Thor answered.
December 8, 2018

The daggers in his hands disappear into nothingness... His daughter was still here in front of him, he hasn't seen her since he had fake his death... He had tried to find her, but she disappear into the large galaxy. He had been so scared she would never return... He wanted so badly to hug her, but he didn't. She probably hate him, he did not blame her either.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"ok, bye-bye" Strange gestures with both hands and pulls the magic portal over all of them.
Nat turns quickly, "Wait I'm not part of-" Strange closed the portal. She sighs as she looked around, that place was so beautiful.
A field of green grass wave in the wind almost inviting them to stay and listen to the roaring sea near them... But it was mute and silent to Celia, her knuckles were a ill white, she look to her father whom look around them than back her, once he did a loud smack was heard. He fell off his feet and onto the long dancing grass. He lick his lip feeling something wet... Blood. "I deserve that."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I would say that you can consider yourself lucky" Nat whispered more for herself.
Thor chuckled but then he looked to something else... No, it was someone, "Father?"

A lone figure stands at the other side of the meadow at the cliff's edge, waves crashing below.
It is ODIN. He's dressed plainly in humble human clothes.
December 8, 2018

He stood back onto his feet, he sent a burning glance towards her... He did not trust the woman in any aspects... He look to where his adopted father stood over cliff looking outwards to the sea, he swears he has been here before... Celia thunderous eyes seem to have calm... They both make their way towards him. I'm a silent agreement not to began the Hel stone of their family matter.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat stood still as the Asgardians walked over Odin, she didn't have reason to be there, she tried to teleport herself back to the Avengers facility but she couldn't
"look at this place, it's beautiful" Odin spoke.
"Father it's us" Thor said.
"My sons, I've been waiting for you"
December 8, 2018

Loki turn him his face had some shook written on it while he look to Odin than to his brother... Celia stood by her father side watching her grandfather stare off in the distance sea... Memories filled her mind spending time in places such as these, having a beautiful panic with her family as a mere child....
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I know, we've come to take you home" Thor said to his father.
"Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me, do you hear it?"
Thor fires a look at Loki, "Loki, lift your magic"

Nat was still trying to get out of there but her power wasn't working for some reason... Maybe something was wrong with tbe quantum energy there, maybe something was coming. She left her hand to make a small rock move, it did, now a weed, it did, it was jus the teleporting skill then.
December 8, 2018

He shook his head to Thor, he knew it was not his doing as did Celia. It couldn't have...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Odin looked at Loki, "Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Figga would have been proud"
Thor was raging, but his father placed one hand over his shoulder to calm him down.
"Come and sit with me, I don't have much time"
December 8, 2018

He look down for a moment, his memory of his mother played in his head when he was a child, his mother teaching him a spell which he preform correctly a smile on her gently lips... Celia gently wrap her fingers around his hand shaking him out of his memories he follow Odin to the rock, where they sat to listen to their father words.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Odin sat down, out of breath, weak.
"I know that we failed you, but we can make things right" Thor spoke.
" I failed you... It's upon us... Ragnarok"
"No, I've stopped ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur"
"No, it has already begun, she's coming. My life was all that held her back, but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer."
"Father, who are you talking about"
"The goddess of hel, Hella, my first born... Ypur sister"
December 8, 2018

They wore a face of bewilderment, they never knew of this and it seem Thor has not either, they look to Odin once more...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"What?" Thor asked he could not believe what his father was saying.
"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard...and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless.
" whatever she is, we can stop her, we can face her together"
"No, we won't, I'm on a different path now, this you must face alone... I llove you my sons" Odin looked at Celia "I love you grandchild..." Tears well in Thor's eyes.
December 8, 2018

Celia heart began to pound against her chest, she never believed he would say those words to her... Her father in the same state as her.. In bewilderment..
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"look at that" Odin said looking at the sea, "Remember this place, home"
A golden light washed over them, then Odin disappeared into stardust. The allfather had died.
The sky above darkened and the wind picked up.
Thor stdood up and turned towards Loki, his eyes burning with rage.
Nat looked at the sky... Something was really really wrong.
December 8, 2018

The two brother meet each other eyes, Thor sea of blue raged in a thunderous storm while Loki harden into a pair of emerald gems towards him.
Celia took in a deep breath into her lungs,
the calmness before the storm.
A dark portal open causing them to look towards it, they all transform into their respectable armor.
The portal widen till a woman in black stood before them, "so he gone." She spoke the portal close behind her...
"It's a shame I would like to seen that." She said her voice laced with disappointment .
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You must be Hella, I'm Thor, son of Odin" Thor said.
Nat stepped closer to them with both on her arms in her hands.
December 8, 2018

The wind blew strong, blowing all of their hair behind them out off the way... "Really?" Disbelief in her voice, before she continued, "you don't look like him."
"Perhaps we can come to arrangement?" Her father spoke cautions of the woman whom stood before him...
"You sound like him." She said in displeasure looking towards him...
A smirk crawl up her lips, "kneel."
Celia raised a brow, "excuse?" She spoke in pure disbelief...
A flick of her wrist a sword came to her hand, "kneel." She said once more looking to them a smile on her lips, "before her queen!"
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I don't think so" Nat said and shoot her, but she managed to dodge the bullets, every single one of them, then Thor winded up and hurled the Mjolnir at Hella
December 8, 2018

Hela caught, the hammer in her hand...
Shock written across their faces, Loki turn to Thor seeing him in the same state as them...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"That's not possible" that's the only thing that Thor could say. Then Hela shattered the hammer.
The blast of Mjolnir's destruction sends a wave of energy through them


Thor is stupefied. In shock. He looks up to see Hela is running her hands back over her head to create the terrifying battle headdress.
December 8, 2018

Her father look towards the sky, her eyes widen did he not heard grandfather!
"Bring use back!" He cried out in distress mix with fear, "father don't!"
The Bi-Frost surrounded them sending them into the sky to Asgard.
Celia sent a piercing glance to her father than aimed it to the goddess of death, she threw a pair of daggers at her.
Hela smirk, she hit the daggers away and threw her sword towards her.
Her face flash in fear, her father wrap his arms around her pushing them out of the away of the sword, but also out of the Bi-Frost.
They roared out falling away from the group and into a new world.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was just above them and she got sucked through the holes that Loki and Celia made and got into the same wormhole.
"No!" Thor shouted.
Hela projects a jet black grappling hook and GRABS HOLD ofhor. Drawing him to her, preparing to finish him off. Thor pulls up his legs, and kicks Hela with both feet. This effectively dislodges him from her grasp but also gets out of the By-frost
December 8, 2018

The two cry out falling until they hit something, her father took most off the fall...
He groan and roll onto his side, they took a moment to regaining themselves from the tedious fall...
A spear was pointed at the two...
She raised her hands above her head, a computer card appear in her hand.
It read, "Celia the honorable member of the Guardians of the Galaxy"
A picture of herself in it, she smiled.
They move the spear away from the heads.
December 8, 2018

(Be back in a hourr!)
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat didn't yell or cry, as she fell she only could think about what was she doing there, that she could be at home, resting peacefully, then another thought, does Loki remembered her? Then she looked down, "Great" she thought with sarcasm then she fell next to Celia, hitting her head with a rock making her fall unconscious.
December 8, 2018

(I am back darling!)
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
December 8, 2018

She stood up onto her feet follow by her father. "I wish to see the lord of this land please..." She spoke standing onto her feet once more, the guards gave a nod, "as you wish princess Misfortune." She cringe at the name, they began to take her, but not her father...
"The man and woman are with me." She added, they place their spear, which she assume to be teaser like down once more. Celia sent a quick look to her father whom pick up the woman in his arms with easy... She seem familiar.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat groaned and felt herself moving, people speaking loudly, she woke up and saw a black haired man carrying him, "umm... I can do it myself, thank you" she said softly.
December 8, 2018

Loki smirk, he place the woman down... Celia at the moment was talking this man whom called himself the Grandmaster, a little outrageous, but he could not speak. Celia seem to respect the man position he held... "Yes thank you we shall be staying for some time..."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"you are a funny little one" Grandmastes said to her, "I hope those two had something interesting to show me... If they don't... Well...they won't be able to join you"
Nat just look at the man confused, she didn't knew wher they were, who was he?
December 8, 2018

Celia knew her father can charm him with ease, but she was not certain for her friend Nat... Loki smirk, he had respect for the Grandmaster. He ruled the place... Alright he suppose, but he shall never know his true thoughts. "Hello I am Loki the God of mischief and the father of my daughter Celia." He spoke bowing kindly to him a smile pasted on his lips, he stood once more. A flower of a blue flame appear in his hand until it was ice over, "I believe blue would look magnificent on you." He held his flower to him.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"oh! That was amazing!" The Grandmaster said with a childlike manner then he toom the flower.
Nat sighed if there was something she hated was pretending to be nice with people, but the KGB and SHIELD teach her how to be charming too, "Grandmaster" she made a courtesy to him giving her most beautiful (and fake smile) then she lifted her hand and the ice flower appeared in her hand then she made it twirl then float graciously then the flower landed again over his hand.
The Grandmaster chuckled, "fine you both can stay, the guards will taye you to your room" he made a gesture with his hand to them to retire.
"We are really thankful" Nat said and kept walking
December 8, 2018

Celia smile and now thanking him as well before she took the lead, her years in space had certainly help her prepare for such a place as this... It was almost relaxing for her, a home away from home. She hasn't been home in years through so she suppose it was the closest she could get. Though she knew she must have a few words with her father soon.
Loki was curious with the woman whom follow, he could not place his finger where he had seen the woman before. His memory was almost always sharp except now...
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The guards lead them to an enormous suite with three beds, a bar, a bathroom but just one door and just for walls, "When the Grandmaster said to your he meant one room" Nat said feeling a little uncomfortable
December 8, 2018

"I suppose we will all shall change in the bathroom in the mornings." Loki spoke, as if it was not uncommon for him, for it wasn't. He had done so numerous of time with his brother, the warrior three and Sif. It has always had work out, only a few minor complaints from the others... Not including himself. "Certainly more cozy than sharing a spacecraft with five others." Celia spoke agreeing on the matter, she swore Groot walk in on her while she took a shower a few to many times.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just nodded, she had some experience with sharing rooms and ships too, but she felt uncomfortable about it because of them. She liked Celia, but she barely knew her and Loki... Well she wasn't sure why he made her so nervous. "I think you need to... Catch up, I'll go to the bathroom a moment" she just wanted some time alone.
December 8, 2018

The room full with dread once the bathroom close behind the woman Nat. The two sat on two beds opposite to one another... They knew they must talk to one another, but neither knew where to began... A spell was place over them by her father for it they did argue it could only be heard by only the two of them and no other prying ears.

Celia knew this, she sense it in a instant, she knew it was a simple illusion spell which she could break it need be.

Loki was the first to speak, "I am glad you are safe..."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat came into the bathroom and saw a bathtub, the talk between father and daughter could take long, so she filled it with warm water and then took of her clothes and got into the bath, feeling kind of relieved, just kind of.
December 8, 2018

Celia pierce her eyes into his, they shine with anger... "I am safe now, not always." It was true, she was not always safe, she been hurt far to many times in a mere two years than most people in their entire life... It was tattoo to her skin against her will.

He ran a hand through his hair, "Celia I do apologize, I can not image what you had gone through... But-" she chuckle at this and lay down in her bed, "of course why did I not know? There is always a, but." Her voice sharp, it cut him... He never once heard her speak in such a cruel manner.
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was relaxing when it hit her, what happened to Hela and the people in Asgard? What happened to Thor, was he still alive?
December 8, 2018

His eyes soften to her, he knew she hated the look, but he never once wore a mask before her...
Celia anger began to eat away at her before she let it out... "Do you even care? For six years you had chase after a mere throne, for what?! You to be alone, for you to cast aside your daughter like a mere animal?!" To this her father stands and walks over to his daughter he places a finger on her lips, "I would never! You are not a mere animal, you are far more wiser and far more smarter than a mere animal! I wished to add, I could not find you for those years in the galaxy. I wish to tell you, but I could not." He spoke the truth and nothing more...
"I had been a terrible father, I should have never have done that to you, along with New York. I have come to regret it terribly. You may not believe a word I say, but do believe this I am sorry..." He spoke softly to her, she rolled onto her side... "I am still frustrated."
December 8, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
A long time passed and the water was cold, nat wrapped herself with a towel and she noticed that she didn't brought any clean clothes with her, she sighed and using her telekinetic abilitie brought an outfit from the room, it was a pair of leather darl blue pants and a black corset, a little bit revealing but at least it wasn't a dress, she dried her hair a little and cleaned up the place before she walked out.
December 9, 2018

Loki had let the illusion fall, he knew Celia was still undoubtedly frustrated along with many other emotions he could not see below the surface... He kissed the back of her head before he whisper to her, "I shall gain some more favor with this Grandmaster." He than left to let Celia gain control of her emotion and her thoughts.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia... I can go if you want to" Nat said, "but you can talk to me too, I know that we don't know each other that much but... I thik you are really sweet and I kind of understand how do you feel"
December 9, 2018

She merely stare at the wall unique design, "I am fine, I merely need a moment..." It sounded almost true, she was fine physically, but mentally she was breaking down... She merely wish to be alone to collect her thoughts..
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat gave her a small smile and walked out, she qas immersed on her thoughts, if she knew where she was she could be able to teleport back home, but she couldn't leave them behind.
December 9, 2018

She hit her pillow to her chest, tears silently leak from her eyes... She took a sharp breathe before she began to silently sob...
Loki was at a party of the Grandmaster, he had gain some unique armor of the man colors... He shall wear them another time. He had also gain knowledge for where he was... It was a very unique world.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
A loud music woke her from her thoughts, "Hey! You came!" The Grandmaster said to her happily "come come!" she jus smiled and followed him he gave her a cup of a blueish drink, "I saw your friend over there... He's a very interesting guy"
"Indeed he is" she answered, "I think I will go and find him, thank you sir" she walked towards Loki just to get as far as possible from the Grandmaster.
December 9, 2018

He was telling a story to a few others while he watch the other at the party, he was beginning to learn quite a few guest throughout the room and some knowledge of Saakar. He saw the woman whom Celia demand him to carry throughout the halls walking towards him, he believed it was to get away from the Grandmaster.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She sat next to him not making any eye contact, truly adapting to new places wasn't actually her best trait but she knew how to survive.
December 9, 2018

He took his leave from the others, he was curious whom this woman is... He knew Celia was kind, but he was curious whom this woman is to his daughter...
"Not a party person?" If he could get her to speak he could possibly figure out who she truly is or gain some knowledge of the woman.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Not at all... I see you had blended out really well" Nat said sipping the content of her glass, finding it quite tasty. Should she tell him that they met before in NY, or that she noticed how hurt Celia was, should she stay quiet, she sipped her drink once more.
December 9, 2018

He hum in response, "it is quite easy, it is merely acting..." He spoke, taking a seat next to her while he kept his eye out for the Grandmaster. He does need to keep his reputation with the Grandmaster or he could possibly be melted. Which he does not wish to be...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You don't remember, do you?" she asked finishing her drink, she already knew the answer so she kept going, "We met in New York, I had to guard you when you were... In the Helicarrier" she couldn't say prison, "we became quite close I guess... I used to brought you descent food as you called it, read you books... That kind of things..." She paused how could tell him the fact that when he scaped he asked to go with him and she said no, to tell him that because of that The Avengers expelled out of their team, that took months to convince Fury to trust to her again, she couldn't spill all of that information, at least not that moment, "but then you were smashed into the ground repeatedly so it's natural that some things had been whipped out and also that happened many years ago" she joked to hide what she was really thinking.
December 9, 2018

He knew it was merely a jest, but he knew she was hiding her true feelings... Truth be honest, his memory was affect by the dreadful stone in his sceptre... "I suppose the beast did... But now you speak of such things I do believe I recall you, Natalia Romanoff." He spoke truthfully, he did not pay into. her emotions he could only image how it could only hurt him in the long run.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well you just amazed me" She said with a playful smirk hoping not to make that moment a serious one, the last thing she would want would be to get too friendly with him again, because that was what she felt, nothing else. " You should get back with that people, you were having fun and I think it's time for me to go... As you said before... I'm not really a party person" she stood up, "By the way, Celia is a really nice person, you did good raising her"
December 9, 2018

(Have to go to bed night)
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(good night)
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(hi! Good morning! Can I tell you something? I really love how things are going, you are so so good at this!!)
December 9, 2018

(Good morning and thank you. It also help me improve my writing speed.)
He stood onto his feet, "yes, I must. I shall see you this evening I suppose." He certainly must get back to the party for h3 must learn far more about this undoubtedly strange world they were trap on for now. "And thank you." He spoke softly, he certainly did raised her well, up until he fell from Asgard... After he did fell he had only hurt her...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I'm also practicing my english here, it's not my firs language)
Nat stood up and nodded tjen she walked out of the party, she needed to find answers and she needed to explore that place.
December 9, 2018

(I couldn't even tell.)
Celia had calm herself clearing her thoughts, she must have another discuss with her father... Once he returns she supposed, for now she shall explore the 'palace' of the world they were trap in. She must also hope Thor has arrive in the is forgotten place.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(thank you!)
Nat was walking through the halls and then she found the principal door to the town. Everything was so colorful and people were or very happy or very aggressive, she started to walk around the neighborhood when someone catched her attention. "Hey! You!" a woman said to her.
Nat turned to face her, she was shorter than her and she had white marks on her face, not to mention a bottle of alcohol in her hand. "you shouldn't be here! Grandmaster's companions are not allowed to be here outside"
December 9, 2018

Celia easily hide herself blending illusions to keep her hidden, she ran into many guards which of course could not see her.
She made to a lower level finding some spacecraft, sadly they were lock by passwords, the Grandmaster would be alert if they stole one of the many ships.
Celia groan, she must learn the passwords from the Grandmaster she suppose...
December 9, 2018

(Be on later going to church)
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Excuse me?" she asked.
"Well yeah, not everyone is a fan of the Grandmaster or his people" the woman explained.
"I... Look I just get here, I don't know if I'm part of Grandmaster's entourage, I'm just trying to get information"
"Did he had that with you?"
" have what?" Nat asked crossing her arms.
The woman rised one eyebrow, "That"
"oh... No, no, no, no" she shook her head.
"Then be careful cause he's really into that kind of stuff, not even men can scape that, he likes to have those kind of crazy things"
Nat just could think in Celia, she had to be careful about her. "Thank you" she said honestly.
"whats your name and where you come from?"
"I'm Natalia Romanoff and I'm come from earth"
"I'm Scraper 142"
December 9, 2018

(I am back!)
December 9, 2018

She made her ways back to her room, she made a simple notebook appear in her hands along with a diary of sorts...
She made a pair of headphones come around her ears before music filled her mind, to her souls.
She began to write her thoughts of her soul, in the language which she first ever learn...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat hung out with her quite a long time then the night came and she returned to the room. Once there Nat saw Celia a little more serene, she waved her hand to her and went to seat over the bed across the other two
December 9, 2018

Celia did not notice Natalia enter while she wrote in her notebooks which was filling with her true thoughts... Her true emotion.
Her soft voice sung the sorrowful lyrics of the song she listen to while she wrote in her little diary of sorts...

"Your words in my head are knives in my heart,"
"You build me up and then I fall apart..."
"Cause I'm only human!"

Her father enter, his walk in a bit crooked, he was undoubtedly tipsy, but he knew it shall drift away in his slumber. The Grandmaster was certainly overly joy with his arrival, but he was also interested with his daughter saying she was a fine warrior and such...
He shall not trust him to be around his daughter alone without his supervision...
Threaten or not.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(hi sorry, I'm doing my Christmas shopping with my mom)
Nat lied on tge bed, he saw Loki walk in, un doubtfully tipsy and she smirjed slightly, she lued down at her side looking at the window and tried to sleep but she couldn't.
December 9, 2018

He made his way towards the bed, he flick is hand and change into one of his Asgardian robes before he graciously fell onto his bed...
Celia jump, she remove her headphone seeing the two in bed, "shall I turn off the lights?"
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat turned to her, "It's up to you, I'm having trouble to sleep so" Nat shrugged and now rolled to lie on her back, staring at the ceiling.
December 9, 2018

Loki hum in response agreeing to Natalia, it was certainly her decision. He would still fall asleep, with or without it on.
He snuggling into the bed while he wave a hand of his in the air creating a spell locking the door along with any other enter point from any outside intruders.
Celia turn off the light, she put away her book for the evening while she continue to watch the outside world of Sakaar.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
It was the next morning, Nat couldn't sleep the whole night so she decided to get up early, go for something to eat for all and came back to the room, she wanted to talk with Loki and Celia about their situation on Sakaar. She placed the food over a small table and wait for them to wake up
December 9, 2018

Celia was the first to wake, she raise from the bed and began to smooth her wild hair... She step onto the icy floor of Sakaar which seems to warming, she made her way towards the bathroom preparing for the day...
She exist, her hair in a simple half up and half down braid with her in a emerald dress she had receive from her grandmother.
Her father only than woke up much later in the morning, he glare at the two with his drowsy eyes, to say he was not a morning person would be a understandment.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'm sorry... I brought the breakfast... I want to talk with you about this" She said gesturing at the planet, "Yesterday I met someone who explained how this planet works, and I'm afraid that things aren't as good as we thought"
December 9, 2018

Celia made her way towards the table where she took a seat, she grab one of the many fruits off the table and bite into it.
"Yes, I never knew..." His voice drip with sarcasm, he rub his eyes trying to wake up...
Celia pick up a spoon before she toss it towards him, he merely caught it.
She let out a long breathe, "I do apologize for my father, he a jackass once he awakes after his slumbers."
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just smirked, "That's ok, I have deal with worse than that... Anyways, it seems that the Grandmaster has two kinds of slaves, the one whi fight and the ones who... Entertain the rest, he also has a group of people who he consider to be his" friends" I am kind of relieved to hear that we are part of that group, which obviously is thanks to you two, the bad thing is that the "ordinary people" hate us so we aren't allowed to go to the town and also if we commit some kind of mistake we can get melted, literally melted"
December 9, 2018

Celia stop mid bite, meeting Nat eyes... She was serious.
She finished her bite into the fruit, she shall try her best to keep her distance from this disgusting man...
Her father merely him in response, "yes, I have seen..."
Celia shiver at the mere idea of being melted... It was so disturbing, ...yet genius.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"So... I know that I have no right to give you orders and I don't want to disrespect your father's authority, but you can't be near this man for long periods of time, you'll laugh, a short chit-chat and then you'll have to go with me or with your father. I know you are very intelligent and very powerful and I also know that you might have seen mire than I, but this is how things are going to work and I'm being very sirious" she looked at Celia, then at Loki to see if he was good with that. Nat genuinely cared for her, somehow she saw reflected in Celia when she was her age (Midgardian age).
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
*serious not Sirius 😅
December 9, 2018

Loki slowly nod his head, "yes, I certainly agree..." He mumble, he stood into his feet, "you shall also inform us if you to speak to him." He add opening the bathroom door, he turn his head to Celia.
She let out a deep breathe, "yes I understand." She mumble under her breath before she continue to eat...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"alright, so.. Let's the show begin" Nat said with a small smirk as she started to eat some fruit too, she was kind of surprised to see Loki agree with her, but it was for his daughter's good after all.
December 9, 2018

She was a tad bit annoy by this, she knew it shall interfere in her plans, but it could be worse...
It could always be worse...
She made her notebook appear in her hand and began to once again write in it...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed and finished her fruit, then she make sure that was something left so Loki could eat if he wanted to, she excused herself and walked around the room, there she found a bookshelf with some books on it, she smiled slightly and took one of them, finally she found something to entertain herself.
December 9, 2018

A sigh left her lips, she needed more information...
She closed her notebook before it disappear into a silver dust, "I shall return shortly I must make a appearance from the Grandmaster." She spoke, into the air before she left with quick haste, she wish to leave soon.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat stood up and tried to persuade her but Celia went away very quickly, she growled in frustration and knocked violently the bathroom door, waiting for Loki to come out.
December 9, 2018

A loud groan let his lips, he wrap a towel around the lower half of his body, he storm to the door...
Once he open the door he saw Natalia eyes sparkling with new found frustration, similar to his he suppose, "this shall better be good." He threaten, his eyes had garden to a pair of sharp emerald which stare daggers into hers.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Oh, sorry your highness I didn't wanted to trouble you" Nat replied with sarcasm, "but your daughter just left the room, alone, I would go and bring her but I think that her father should do it" she didn't care about him glaring at her, she was even more angry than he was.
December 9, 2018

He got the button closing the door gently, he stare into the door hoping his states would melt it, but at last it did not. He was quickly dress and out the room in moments heading towards where the main lodge was for the Grandmaster 'friends'... His boot heels clicking against the floor as he went.
Celia was having quite the flirtatious conversation with the man, she had a seductive smile on her lips while she held the drink he had given her on her lips slowly drinking it.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat followed him but not too close, she saw the little scene between Celia and the Grandmaster, she started to walk towards them slowly so she couldn't be seen by him.
The Grandmaster saw Loki, "Hey, my friend, come and join to the fun!"
December 9, 2018

A smile painted his lips once he saw the Grandmaster, he made his way towards the two before he lean against the bar table between the two, "yes, it is quite lovely here." He spoke almost as if he truly believed it, but he certainly did not, but he shall never know. He sent a quick cold glare to his daughter before he turn to Grandmaster once again.
Celia knew her plan was about to ruin, but why not annoy her father a bit?
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat leaned against another bar table and took a drink, glancing from time to time at them.

The Grandmaster chuckled as he took another drink, "so how was your first night here? And where is that friend of yours, I just love her, so serious and sweet... I just want to hear about all your adventures before you got here"
December 9, 2018

Celia hum in response while she graciously took a seat, holding her dress in her hand while she smile softly.... "splendid." She spoke her ascent deep, her glaze sharp yet yearning. She spun the cup around in her grasp, "as a outlaw you tend to have some fun," she gave him a wink before she took a sip.
Loki meet Celia eyes giving a cold glare, he must take his along with her leave, "yes... It is always lovely talking to you, but Celia I must have a discussion."
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat saw what happened and that was the moment to intervene, she walked towards the Grandmaster and placed her hand over his shoulder, smiling "I'm so sorry, I wish I didn't missed something important"
"Of course not darling" He replied looking to her "we were just talking, that's all"
She gave Loki a look saying that if he wanted to go that was the moment.
"So, Grandmaster... I was told that you had a really good champion" she tried to make a conversation to distract him.
December 9, 2018

Loki wrap his fingers around her wrist before he yank her out of her seat, he pulled her away from the lodge through all the guest and towards their room...
With a fierce tug Celia rip her hand away from her father, her eyes held a thunderous storm in them, while her father eyes where harden almost like a block of ice...
He gesture for her to lead the way back to their room, which she did, holding her wrist in her hand...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat took their seats so the Grandmaster didn't notice their absence, he kept babbling about his champion and the contest in general, was a moment when Nat stopped listening and just nodded and smiled, looking very interested about what he was saying.
December 9, 2018

Loki slam the button to the room door to shut and lock,
Celia made her way to the window looking out to Sakaar, she turn on her heel once she heard her father roar out, "what in the name of Valhalla do you believe you were doing?!"
The two made eye contact in a instant, "trying to get some information, to leave this hel whole, but thanks to you jackass I probably never get that chance again!" She roar back at him telling him the whole truth!
He took steps towards her, "you shall not speak to your father in such ill language young lady!"
Celia merely chuckle at this, "I sorry, but my father died two years ago!"
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The drinks kept coming and coming, thank god that she was resistant to them, then the Grandmaster stood up started to play his instrument, something very similar to a keyboard. Nat stayed there for a while before she could go back to the room, she knew that both of them need to be alone.
December 9, 2018

He took long steps towards her until he stood before her, "so you wished for me to be forever lock in a cell forgotten?!"
Celia met his challenge, "at least grandfather would be alive, Hela would not be on Asgard, because I do not know... You! We are here right now having this f*cking argument because of.you!" She roared out, her emotions beginning to blind her thoughts.
He back her into a wall, he slam his hand against the window cracking it, Celia flinch her eyes dance with fear with the storm fading in a instant...
"We would not be having this argument of you only listen, you could have gotten melted or worse rape!"
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Now the Grandmaster was fully distracted and she took the opportunity to get away from there, she ran into the room, "what the hell Celia?!" she whispered screamed to her, she was furious, not only with her but with Loki too, "Did you realize how reckless was that?! I know that I am not part of your family but liked or not I'm stuck here too and we have to start to take this seriously or we would be dead" she starter to walk towards them, exploding "yes...maybe Loki is not the father of the year and yes he was an asshole who hurt you, but you have to be grateful that you still have him around and that he cares for you! I know you had a rough life but you always had someone to support you, Coulson, the Avengers and many others who kept you safe and now you want to risk everything for a mere whim?!" Now she turnet to Loki," And you... Do you really think that with a simple conversation and a simple sorry everything is fixed! You left your daughter alone amd now you expect to wield authority to her?
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
You have to earn the right again! And what do you do, you left her alone again to win the favor of that maniac?!"
December 9, 2018

They clench their jaws shut, they knew she was right, it was undoubtedly true... Painfully obvious to they suppose.
Celia moved away from her father and onto her bed throwing a now crumble piece of paper on the floor... She placed her headphones on to help calm herself.He
If only she was here alone, she would have been gone by now.

Loki remove his hand from the window, "I trusted she would stay for a mere twenty minutes..." he mumble to himself... It was true he truly believed she would, but she did not. Though he did not blame her he would have done the same thing if her age.
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed, what she did wasn't right but at least it had the desired effect, "sorry" she said softly, "I shouldn't say those things or not in that way, but it felt necessary"
December 9, 2018

He shook his head in disagreement, "no it was certainly necessary, we could be arguing for much longer..." He spoke truthfully, he was thankful for her help, he will keep that to himself.... But he was certain it could of ended it up terribly she did not step...
December 9, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She nodded, "I-I'll be in my bed reading in case you need something" she walked towards her bed feeling her heart pounding, she thought that was because the past argument, she laid down and opened the book, stating to read.
December 10, 2018

He look to his daughter, he ran a his fingers through his hairs... He let out a deep breathe, until he took his seat in his bed beginning to read while he etch his daughter write.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat saw them both calmed and without saying a word she left the room with a book on her hand, she started to look for a quiet place to sit and read.
December 10, 2018

(Have to go to bed, have a good night rest)
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(good night, talk to you tomorrow!)
December 10, 2018

The two merely watch her leave, neither said a word to the other.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat found an empty hallway she sat on tje ground and started to read, after a moment she heard a familiar voice, "Oh my god!" the voice exclaimed. She followed the sound, not entirely believing it she saw Thor, he was sitting on a floating chair, it seems that the Grandmaster took him as a prisoner. "Oh, the smell?!" he complained.
"What does it smell like?" Grandmaster asked
"Burnt toast" Topaz answered.
"What happened to my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself. Come on, follow me" The Grandmaster said and started to walk, Topaz and Thor behind him. Nat hide from them.

A female servant walked into the room, "there's a celebration upstairs, the Grandmaster invites you to join him" she said to Loki and Celia.
December 10, 2018

The two look to the another, Celia raised a brow,
She was curious on who this celebrity was, for she was certain she was herself.
Her father have a shrug, he stood from his bed offering a hand to her.
Celia cross her arms over her chest making her way towards the first floor, Loki let a breathe leave his lips before he follow suit after his daughter.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The Grandmaster arrived at the party, he stands behind his "keyboard" and started to talk, "My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"
"We're not friends, and I don't give a sh*t about your games! I'm going back to Asgard!" Thor shouted. Nat ran back to the room to announce the news but when she arrived it was empty.
December 10, 2018

Celia try to keep her distance from her father whom respect her wishes and went to chat with a group of sorts... He began to tell a simple story from years ago.
He shall wait to speak to the Grandmaster before he would take his leave...
He heard his name being called, he saw his brother in a chair, he try to hush him, but this is Thor you can never shut him up.
"I thought you were dead!" He whisper to him.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
As Thor discussed with his brother the Grandmaster interrupted them, "What are you whispering about?" he chuckled when he saw their expressions, "time works really different around these parts... On any other world, I'd be like, million years old, but here in Sakaar..." Grandmaster behold himself and then turned to Loki, "in any case, you know this... You call yourself Lord of Thunder?"

Nat tried to teleport herself where they were but nothing, still not workig, she ran to find theb, but when she arrived Loki was already talking to Thor. She looked around and saw Celia, she stood next to her," Thor's here" she whispered.
December 10, 2018

Celia gesture, drink in hand, to where the three were having a discussion... "I have seen." Her voice dripping with sarcasm, she had heard Thor crying out so hopeless to his brother moments ago...
Loki let out a chuckle looking towards Thor, "I have never met this man in my life." He lied, he did not wish to have his reputation hurt by his brother foolishness, but his own brother called him out on his own lie... "adoptive brother," he added.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just rolled her eyes, "we need a plan, we have to take him out of here and then scape"

"Is he any kind of a fighter?" Grandmaster asked
"You take this thing out of my neckband I'll show you." Thor said aggressively.
"Now listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg..."
"Any contender who defeats mychampion, their freedom they shall win."
"Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick."
"That's what I call, contender! Direction would be this way, Lord." The Grandmaster pointed outside of the room.
"Loki!" Thor shouted to his brother. Guards arrive. They haul Thor up and escort him out.
December 10, 2018

Celia cross her arms over her chest a chuckle escape her lips, "I sorry, but now you wish for a plan?" She has yet to calm down from her own plans being ripe and tore to little pieces before her...
Yet they have to obesity to began a argument over it than ask for another plan, she shall let them make their own plan. She had enough with her family, they have all gone mad...
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat rised an eyebrow "oh, I see, you had an idea and I had ruined it... Well I'm sorry to inform you that I am not a mind reader I'm just here to ask you if you want to get out of here or not and if you are going to cooperate, but I think you just gave an answer" she started to walk out, she saw Loki, she stopped for a second, should she talk to him about the current situation? She took a deep breath and kept walking, maybe wasn't the best idea.
December 10, 2018

Celia merely turn away, she shall continue her plans from before to leave this Hel hole of a place, alone.
To get the passwords for the spacecrafts to not alarm the Grandmaster of her leave until it was to late for him to stop her.
Loki made his way towards Celia until he stood before her, "you are trying to push everyone away." She merely crossed her arms over her chest,
"maybe because everyone is doom to hurt you." She mutter under her breathe...
She turning on we heels taking her leave away from her father, he grab her wrist, "I been where you have been, it's a dark place." She rip her arm away from him, her eyes cold, threatening...
"It is certainly better than being used..."
A shiver ran down his arms watching her eyes shine a silver for a moment, Celia walk into a crowd and he lost his sight on her.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was about to leave the room when someone stopped her, "where are you going?" the Grandmaster asked to her.
"sh*t..." She mumbled to herself, "I need some air, I'm having a terrible headache" she said turning to face him.
"You know, the best way to heal a headache is drinking until you can't feel it anymore... Come and join me" he placed hias arm around her waist which made her cringe, tgen he lead her to a sofa where they both sat down "so, are you familiar with this Lord of thunder guy?"
December 10, 2018

Loki took in a deep breath, she only needs sometime to herself...
He knew it was a lie, but he knew he would only make it worse, maybe he shall talk to Thor... They certainly do need to leave before one of them blew their cover with the Grandmaster.
December 10, 2018

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Nat couldn't lie, he knew already that Tor was Loki's brother, "Yeah... Kind of"
"Is he... Is he strong?"
"Well, he's not that bad, but it would be really entertaining to see him fight against your champion" She had to say that, if Thor win the fight they can have a chance to be free.
December 10, 2018

He arrived to where Thor his adoptive brother was being held, Thor sat against the wall of his prison which held him captive. He pick up some rock and chunk it at his brother, "you didn't think I would come and see you? This place is disgusting." He smirk in a playfully manner, his brother merely threw another rock at him.
"Does this mean you don't want my help? I couldn't jeopardize my position with the Grandmaster, it took me time to win his trust. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable. What I am telling you is you could join me at the Grandmaster side..." Another rock which he was throwing before hit his illusion face once again... He continues, "perhaps in time a accident befall him and then..." He gesture to him than himself than he point his thumbs up... He merely threw another stone at him.
He bite his lips taking steps towards him...
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor smirked, "What would you like me to say? You faked your own death, left your child alone, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth to die, releasing the Goddess of Death... Have I said enough, or do you do you want me to go further back than the past two days?"

" it is settled then, go and dress in your finest clothes, hou and your friends are invited to the VIP section, that fight will be interesting" The Grandmaster said and then went to talk to the other people.
December 10, 2018

He lost his smirk, yes he knew this. He has been told this twice.
"I have placed a large wager against you, don't let me down." He turn away his illusion disappearing while Thor threw a bottle into the wall ment for him.
Celia giggle at a joke, a drink in her hand playing as if she was drunk, she probably was, but she shall live.
The guards were quite helpful, they believe she wishes to 'sleep' with the Grandmaster so they have given her the information which she needed to escape the planet which held her hostage.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat looked for Celia and Loki to tell them about the battle, she couldn't find them so she returned to the room, it was empty, she took a piece of paper and wrote the message on it and placed over Loki's bed. Then she looked at the closet and searched for the less revealing dress, and she found a blue one, she didn't loved it but it wasn't the worst so she headed to the bathroom to get ready for the night.
December 10, 2018

Celia laugh through the halls, giggling up a storm while she sung a song about Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. Her voice echo across the hall and throughout the floor.
Loki follow the echoing of his daughter voice until he found a terribly drunken Celia skipping towards their room...
He let out a long sigh, he is such a amazing fathering...
He made his way towards her, she became silent with her mood swings from cheerful to upset.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat took a bath, then put on the dress, she looked herself at thr mirror, "too much cleavage on the front" she thought, she turned to see her back "and on the back". She left her hair down and put a little bit of makeup on her face and a dark shade of lipstick on her lips. She looked at the mirror again, she hated that image but she has no choice.
December 10, 2018

The two merely walk in silence until they enter the room, Celia went to lay down, but her father saw the note left on his own...
He let out a long sigh, he look to Celia whom was beginning to drift asleep, he stood before her. "Princess you must prepare to leave, the Grandmaster wishes to see you during Thor battle against his Champion."
Celia groans she swung her legs over her bed, "fine..."
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat left the bathroom, she wasn't expecting to see them there, she blushed madly but tried to hide that fact talking to them, "I-I see you found the note" she said a little bit coldly, "He's waiting for us"
December 10, 2018

Celia placed her chin on her father shoulder, "someone embarrassed..." She whisper, but they all could hear what she said.
She stood onto her feet, "as a princess I have the entitlement of being fashionably late."
He knew she would only use this as a excuse when she arrives, if she does take longer she would use the excuse of becoming lost... It was quite easy to lie to him, even when drunk.
Celia made her way to a closet pulling out a white dress of sorts.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat just wait for them standin against the window, she thought that arrive together would be better, the Grandmaster saw them separated too many times, he could start to think that something was wrong. An awkward silence invaded the room, she started to think about what was worse an awkward silence or an awkward small talk.
December 10, 2018

Celia simply let the dress she wore slip onto the floor, she place the long white dress on, which had a long V-neck and two slit where her long legs would be revealed...
She soon began the art of makeup, a art which took her months of patients and early mornings.
The mischievous god wait looking at his finger nails, while he thought to himself.
December 10, 2018

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She opened her lips to talk to him a couple of times but she couldn't say nothing, days ago talk to Loki was kind of simple, but now, after all that had happened was... Hard
December 10, 2018

He meet her eyes feeling her stare, "see something you like?" He tease a smirk curling up his lips... He knew she was lost for words, so he gave her a start.
Celia paint her once rosy lips a cherry red, while she wore only a tad bit of black eye shadow to make her silver pop.
She open the door to see the two, "first time for everything..."
December 10, 2018

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Sha smirked back and was about to give him a witty comeback but Celia interrupted her when she was about to speak, she turned to see her, she looked really beautiful, she gave her a small smile "wow, that's a change" she said playfully.
December 10, 2018

Celia shrug her shoulders, "yes, after many long hours at terrible bars playing for nobodies or wannabe nobodies tends to teach you how to apply makeup.
If you wish for tips, you look sexy, or drop dead gorgeous. Which you truly do wish for because your no good boss pays you a mere thirty units a night."
It was the harsh truth of night clubs or bars, she had work in places such as those for to long and meet a somebody whom she should have never met, nor fallen for...
This hel hole of the planet reminded to much of him, along with her father. Which is why she is drunk. To forget the ones whom have done her wrong.
She smile, "you also look rather ravishing yourself."
December 10, 2018

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"and I thought that I looked like a very expensive hooker, but thank you" she face-palmed mentally, she was so bad receiving compliments, she changed the subject, "we should get going"
December 10, 2018

Loki nod his head in the exact thought, "yes we must, unless we wish to be even more so late." He spoke, he open the door for the two and gesture for them to take their leave before him. Celia gave quick thank you before she lead the way of the group.
December 10, 2018

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Nat also thanked him and followed Celia.

Everybody was already there, the Grandmaster saw them and greeted them, placing his hand around both of her waists, leading them to a big yellow couch.
Hundreds of thousands of spectators packed into the stadium seats. Dozens of starships are parked above the arena.
He used a device to make a projection of himself.
This enlarged projection of Grandmaster addresses the audience. " Wow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors... who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I. And now, without further ado... it's main event time!! Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen...I give to you...Lord of Thunder!"
December 10, 2018

Celia made her way towards the couch where she took a seat in the middle of the long couch, she place her legs to her side knowing they shall not touch a soul.
Loki took his seat at the end, looking to his daughter whom took a drink a smile on her cherry red lips... He look down at his brother whom had seen to lost his hair. He felt a tad bit guilty for that, but a tad bit of joy...
Celia let out a gasp, her uncle hair was gone... But short hair does look rather befitting on him though.
December 10, 2018

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"Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks" Grandmaster continued.

Thor looks up at the throngs of Screaming fans. And then puts on his helmet. Thor is ready to rumble.
"Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique.There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him."

Suddenly the floor beneath Thor's feet lowers. A slow, tension-building grind as he sees a door across the arena. Bigger and bigger.
The entire crowd is on its feet. Palpable anticipation. The spotlights change to bright stadium lights.
" He's undefeated. HE'S THE REIGNING...HE'S THE DEFENDING... Ladies and gentlemen... I give you..." Grandmaster continued, exploding through a door is the Champion, "The incredible Hulk!!"
"Holy sh*t" Nat whispered, nowvwas worried about Thor.
December 10, 2018

Loki cheeky smile left his lips in a instant once he saw the beast...
Celia had a long smile stretch on her lips she roar out in pure excitement along with Thor in a instant the arena went silent.
The two look to the Grandmaster, "he is a friend from work!" Celia was in pure excitement for the two once had a battle, but they never learned whom was the strongest Avengers...
Loki stood from his seat and backed away in pure fear, "I have to get off this planet..." He began to leave until he ran into the Grandmaster, a chuckle leaving his lips.
December 10, 2018

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"Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead. So much hashappened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh.Loki! Loki's alive. Can you believe it? He's up there, He's with Nat and Celia too. Loki! Look who it is!" Thor was chatting with Hulk, Nat gave a quick glance at Loki she couldn't help but smirk at his expression.
December 10, 2018

Loki was undoubtedly terrified for himself and for his brother, for he was going to be killed by his own friend. They were soon to be followed in a melted mess as well...
He rest a hand on his knee and bite a finger letting out a nervous cough as he watch the scene bellow unfold.

Hulk look towards the crowd which shoot fireworks in his color, whom roared his name in entertainment, in joy... He roared along with them!
He heard a name of the other man repeated numerous of times... He turn his head towards his old friend.
"NO Banner only Hulk!" He roared out running and jumping into the air before he slam his own hammer down.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The fight started, Hulk was attacking Thor, who seemed to be trying to reason with him. But then things got even, the battle was indeed interesting, suddenly Thor jumps down just in time to avoid Hulk's warhammer, which hits so hard that it remains lodged in the wall.

With Hulk charging again, Thor rips the warhammer out of the wall and wallops Hulk with it.

Hulk goes crashing alongside the arena. He ends up sprawled out in a pile of rubble, slightly dazed.
Everybody was amazed by the fact that Thor was winning.
Thor started to walk towards Hulk and talked to him, the beast seemed to calm down but suddenly he grabbed Thor by his feet and whipped him repeatedly against the arena floor.
December 10, 2018

Loki stood onto his feet, "yes, that's how it feels!" He roared out throwing his arms out in gesture a large smile on his lips, he took his seat once more...
Celia had a smile on her lips, "we simply enjoys sports." She noted to the Grandmaster whom turn back to watch the battle... It was half a lie, she enjoyed sports...
Celia was truly enjoying herself in the moment she had forgotten how fun being a villain was at times, merely watch other fight. So entertaining!

A hammer hit his thigh he fell onto his knee only for it to hit his face, he roared out swinging his ax at him, but he merely once again hit by Thor hammer. He fell onto his knees in pain... His ax now destroyed by his friend own weapon. He swing a right hook, but he merely hit where he once stood, he received a punch instead.
December 10, 2018

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Hulk immediately leaps after him and lands on Thor.
Hulk is now on top of Thor as they slide across the arena, just pummeling him with punches. Left-right-left-right. Thor's head snaps back and forth.
It seemed that Thor fell unconscious but then his eyes glowed white with electricity. Like an instinctual defense mechanism, Thor suddenly knocked Hulk back with a burst of lightning.
Seething with electricity, Thor springs to his feet and then blasts Hulk with a massive lightning punch. Hulk is launched backwards and Thor hits the ground.
The crowd was cheering for him now.
December 10, 2018

Loki sat up in his seat in pure interest... Thor has never been able to call further his lightning, not without his beloved hammer...
Celia eyes sparkle pure interest, pure excitement, she at first believed the Hulk would win, but now...
Now, now the crowd began to chant his stage name.

Hulk stood onto his feet, he let out a roar of his pure anger. He ran towards Thor whom followed suit and they both jump in the air, Thor giving a thunderous uppercut to the Hulk whom fell back...
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
they're at it again, close-quarters boxing. Thor is winning the exchanges, landing brutal punches to Hulk's body. And then suddenly... The Grandmaster zaps him with the Obedience Disk fob.
Thor drops, totally caught off guard.
Nat looked at the Grandmaster with disbelief.
Hulk plants his feet and jumps, rocketing out
of the arena, up into the sky. At the apex of his jump Hulk clenches his fist and begins a missile-like descent.
December 10, 2018

"Another day another Doug."
Loki sent a death glare towards the Grandmaster while he was not looking,
Celia fell back onto the couch in disbelief, she had hope her uncle would have won...
A breathe left her cherry lips, until they were covered by her drink once more.
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Some guards took Thor away. The fight was over.
"Still unbeaten" Grandmaster smiled.
Nat was about to argue with him, but then she decided just to smile, "so, who wants to celebrate!" he said as he stood up, making signs to the waitresses to bring more drinks.
December 10, 2018

Loki let out an long sigh, he took a drink from the waiter regaining his composer... "He is certainly a worthy champion!" He roar out a smile on his lips,
Celia click his cup... "A exciting fight, with many turns, which none shall to come!"
She roared out in pure excitement, she was still overly joy with the fight she had watch...
She remembers her own battles similar to these she had watch, but more over a royal matter in Olympus which she had disagree to.
December 10, 2018

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The Grandmaster chuckled and went to dance with a group of women who were at the opposite end of the room, Nat sighed, then looked at Loki and Celia and she realized how confortable they were with that place, "Let me ask you a question... Do you still want to leave this place?"
December 10, 2018

Loki raised a brow, "for a moment, but..." He trailed off, looking at it all. The people whom he could rule, the world which he could bend to his wishes once the Grandmaster befall his 'accident'...
Celia gave a shrug, she truly did not hate it here... Yes, nature was a rare here, but with her abilities it could be gorgeous world. Full of life, food, animals... While still have some chaos which they could control.
"We do prosper in organize chaos, which..." She gesture to the arena, "is all around us."
They gave a smirk to one another, their eyes glitter pure mischief intent underneath.
December 10, 2018

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Nat just nodded, she wasn't upset nor surprised, "And what about Hela? What about Asgard?" she needed to know their intentions before she could do anything.
December 10, 2018

Celia gave a shrug, she spoke her true thoughts in the air.
"It can burn for I do not care for the realm, they have hated me since they have learned of me... For I am a part Olympian, while part Jotunn, a pure hybrid for them hate. While I am his daughter." She gesture to her father,
whom merely moved his hand a bit, he did deserve it after the attempt to rule Midgard, but not his daughter... "Besides we can not defeat Hela,"
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat took a deep breath and stayed quiet for a while, thinking, she was decided to get out of there, she needed to find Thor and go to Asgard, but that could be dangerous for Celia and Loki and she couldn't do that to them, "I think that I'll be heading to bed" she said and stood up.
December 10, 2018

Celia gave a nod, "we shall join you soon." She spoke informing her that they shall stay for much longer, her father stood from the couch offering a hand to his daughter...
"Have a peaceful evening." To this they took their leave...
Celia went to collect her winnings which she had only placed for if her father did lose, which he did. Quite a bit too, but they could last with the amount of units she had for years to come. She had been saving before she had left the galaxy,
...for reasons...
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat walked to their room, took her dress off and changed into more confortable clothes, and lied on the bed, thinking and thinking, every single plan she could think of ended bad or for her or for Loki and Celia, then she said to herself that maybe she could stay, after analyzing that idea she realized that it was a bad one, then another question, why did she cared that much for them, whom didn't care about her or at least didn't seem so... She couldn't answer it so she ignored it. After a few hours she growled in frustration and threw an ornament to the wall with her powers.
December 10, 2018

A loud howler of a couple singing together echo through the halls, were the two drunk? Like there was no tomorrow, will they regret it in the morning? Probably, did they care? No they did not.
The two walk into the room their voice became hush, not to wake the woman whom slept in the bedroom for it would be rude...
They giggle a bit, "nuclear family... did the Mortal knew it was a power of destruction?" Celia giggle into her father pillow, "no!" She began to giggle even more like a mere child. Her father gave a light hearted chuckle.
December 10, 2018

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Nat wasn't asleep at all, but she didn't had the energy to deal with them right now... She just stayed still hoping they wouldn't notice her.
December 10, 2018

Her father face became stren, "I wish to tell you a secret."
Celia giggling fit silence, she look to her father her eyes widen, she sat her legs crossed to listen to her father secret...
"I found Natalia rather ravishing this evening, more so than usual."
Celia gasp, before she began to giggle... "Someone smitten!" She teased slapping his arm playfully...
"How would you know I was smitten?" She merely rolled her eyes, "please I was engaged." She spoke her arms crossed over her chest as if it wasn't nothing serious...
"You were?" She gave a nod of her head, "five months on the nose." She reply.
December 10, 2018

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"f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck..." she thought, was that helping? , of course not, only confused her more, her heart was pounding hard, "stop it! What is wrong with you?!" she mentally yelled to herself. She calmed a bit, "He's definitely waisted, so probably he didn't meant it... Yeah, must be that... He won't be able to remember that tomorrow, so it's ok... I'm ok, everything's ok" with that she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
December 10, 2018

He hum from the new knowledge he had learned
Celia yawn and laid her head down on his pillow, "you are in my bed."
She merely rolled onto her side, "half of what yours is mine for I am half of you..." She mumble into the bed falling asleep he plant a soft kiss on her forehead, "I can live with that..."
Celia giggle, "I also stole your helmet and cape... Once you..." He hum laying down, "I had wonder where they went, I had to have a new helmet made and cape..."
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
It was the next morning, the light of the day hit Nat over her face, she had a rough night ao she didn't wantet to get up she rolled and placed the bed covers over her head.
December 10, 2018

Celia groan in pain... Light, she hates light! She open her eyes to see the terrible world, she also saw her father whom seem to be cuddling her in his sleep...
A light smile curl up her lips, she drew closer to her father whom cuddle her even more.
She give his cheek a light peak. "I have to get ready to conquer the world dad..." He hum in response, "do not be gone long my clover..." He mumble into his pillow.
She made her way towards the bathroom while she prepare for her day... She did not remove her make up last night did she.
December 10, 2018

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The covers didn't do that much so she sat on the bed, she didn't slept much either butbit was enough to clear her mind about what she had to do, and it was nothing at all, she would leave to their hands, she will act according to the situation, an stupid decision but it was better than nothing.
December 10, 2018

Loki grumble and mumbles to himself while he sat up in his bed, he ran his through his untamed hair... He turn his head towards Natalia, "morning..." He mutter to her... His head was thumping, but it shall not interfere with today work. He saw a cup of water on the table, a little note below it...
He stood onto his feet, he walk towards it. He picks up the cup while.He read the note a light smile graced his lips. "I had forgotten she once wrote me notes before I left for...
Asgard..." He mumble to himself...
December 10, 2018

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"Good morning" she said, then she noticed him smiling, she couldn't help it, she smirked, "wow... I have never seen you like that before" she stands up and streches a little.
December 10, 2018

He merely drinks the cup of water, "I do not understand?" He truly didn't, he merely acted like himself, he look at the card which Celia wrote... Ah, he sees.
He crossed his arms, "I am not all evil, Midgard was a mistake of my past, as was my own 'death'." he spoke truthfully, he may regret he had spoken those words to her, but he shall not regret the words he had spoken.
December 10, 2018

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"I wasn't talking about that, I know the difference between Mischief and evil... I meant that I never saw you smile, just that obnoxious smirk you have, which by the way, makes me want to punch you in the face" she joked, "or a fake or polite smile, but not like that, that's more... genuine... I'm glad that you're getting along with her again" she smiled softly.
December 10, 2018

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She smirked back, "someone is on a really good mood"
Just in that moment a they heard the Grandmaster's voice, "It's bad news, bad news today... Sakaar, hear ye. Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved, exalted Champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion."
December 10, 2018

Celia open the door a cloud of white mist surround her, she made her exist, she wore her armor from her father home Asgard.
It was a simple gold chest plate carved to symbolize a Phoenix while she wore simple Asgardian long leather armor, along with some arm guards she had crafted personally.
"How ill fitting."
December 10, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Before no one could say a thing a guard knocked the door, the Grandmaster wants to see Loki and princess Celia" Nat looked at them, she had to admit that she was now a bit scared for them.
December 10, 2018

Celia pat Nat shoulder, "tell uncle father loved him."
Loki merely rolled his eyes, he did not know rather to take it as they were going to die, which he did not doubt, or as a mere joke...
Celia lead the way to where the Grandmaster was.
December 10, 2018

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Nat just sighed, she had to find Thor or at least someone who could help her to find him. She changed quickly into her SHIELD uniform and ran out of the bedroom.

Loki, Celia and Valkyrie are brought before Grandmaster, who has at least tripled the amount of bodyguards around him. "I'm upset! I'm very upset. You know what I like about being upset? Blame. Right now, that's the mindset that I'm in. And you know who I'm blaming?" the Grandmaster said.
December 10, 2018

Celia crossed her arms, "me?" It would not be the first time it has happen to her, it shall not be the last. She had been blamed for almost everything under the sun, most of which she had never done... Her father raised a brow, "I can assure you I can bring the two back in 42 hours..."
December 10, 2018

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"I can do it in two" Valkyrie said looking at them like she was challenging them.
December 10, 2018

Celia crossed her arms, "one hour." She have done jobs just as this in thirty minutes, she was certain she could find them in less... Her father sent a warning glances towards her, she merely smirk whom ever said the time starts when he dismissed them?
December 10, 2018

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"You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution. But for now, I'll settle for this sweet little "who's gonna get him first?" The Grandmaster said pointing playfully to them, "So you're on the clock" he gestures them to leave.
December 10, 2018

Loki turn on his heels along with his daughter whom was a mere illusion, they turn the corner out of the Grandmaster sight, Celia disappear into small clovers in the wind... "What have you done?" Loki ask, he knew she had done something to help his brother escape...
December 10, 2018

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Valkyrie reversed her position and pinned Loki against the wall. "I don't answer to you, Lackey" she said glaring at him.
December 10, 2018

He had his signature smirk play on his lips, " it's Loki, and you shall answer to the Grandmaster."
This began a combo of attack from one another being block until one had hit him, he heard a chuckle from her... He had a dagger appear in his grasp pointing it towards her.
"Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool?"
December 10, 2018

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"I don't help anyone" she answered.

Nat was looking for Thor or for the Scrapper 142 around the city, it was quite difficult with all that people
December 10, 2018

The two began to dance with blades in hand, Loki grab her arm with his blade, he saw her tattoo, "you're a Valkyrie.." He spoke his face written in bewilderment, while he was in disbelief, now he understood why she help his brother...

Celia flew above the city looking below for a Quinn Jet, why? Because she knew Hulk must have arrive in one after Ultron, she knew it had programming to calm the Hulk...
December 10, 2018

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She gets him up against the wall, her blade against his throat. She looks ready to kill him. "Choose your next words wisely" she threats him.

Nat found a group of scrappers, she asked for her and they told her where to find her.
December 10, 2018

He meet her eyes while his breathe was long, "I am terribly sorry must be a painful memory!" He grasp out he placed a hand on her forehead to see the memories of her past...
Celia butterfly eyes saw the ship in the distance...
December 10, 2018

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After Loki made her remember, she was on her knees in front of him, trembling from this visceral memory that she's tried so hard to suppress.
She turned on Loki, raging, and knocks him out, chains him and takes him to her room.

Nat knocked a door and Valkyrie opened, "Hey... I need a favor" she said to her, she just nodded, "I need to find Thor and I need a ship to get out of here"
"I will helpyou but I need you to stay and take care of something"
Nat found that request a little odd, but she said yes, Valkyrie let her in and she saw Loki, all tied up, still unconscious.
December 11, 2018

Celia flew into the now terribly damage ship, she landed on the ground transforming into her true self. She trail her fingers around the ship, she place her hand on the hand pad. "Clover." She spoke out her voice firm, "access denied," the machine reply.
She growl, she knew the password, she also knew if she ever made it to Midgard once again she shall torture Tony for all his remaining days.
"Sexiest Avenger." A blush painted her cheeks, "welcome Celia the most Sexiest Avenger."
December 11, 2018

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Valkyrie left Nat alone in her place, she chuckled seeing him in that state, she walked towards the "kitchen" and picked one of the many bottles of alcohol and opebed it, she placed the bottle under Loki's nose so he can wake up.

Thor is looking for Bruce, who got lost in the crowd.
December 11, 2018

He open his eyes smelling something unbelievably strong, alcohol... He lift his head up he try to move his arms, but they were bond together. He saw the Valkyrie before him.

Celia saw the video footage of the two she knew they must be close by, Thor was certainly a loud one she merely have to listen for him...
She rush out of the shuttle, looking for Stark shoe footprints, which she saw blinding into others, she was quick and on their trail. She soon heard Thor which she soon saw, a smirk played on her lips. She made her way behind the God and whisper, "boo!" Loudly into his ear.
December 11, 2018

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"Are you alright?“ Nat asked him, getting a little closer to his face to see if his pupils were dilating well.

" Holy sh... Celia what on Valhalla are you doing here?!“ Thor asked to his niece.
December 11, 2018

He rolled his eyes, a smirk played on his lips, "no I am terribly wounded." Sarcasm drip from his voice... "But I shall live.

Celia laugh to herself, "do you not remember when Hela threw her sword towards me? My father push myself and himself out of the way of the blade, but also out of the Bi-Frost." She explain in sort, her arms crossed over her chest over Thor terrible disguises.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled and stepped back, "you know, I've never thought you were the submissive kind of guy... I hope she was gentle with you" she smiked, sitting across him.

"I'm glad you are ok, where is your father? Is he with you" Thor said looking behind her, but instead of find Loki he spotted Banner, "come" he said to Celia, holding her wrist and leading her to Banner.
December 11, 2018

Loki gasp, taking shock, "me submissive? Never." His sarcasm was thick... "How could I ever raise a daughter?"
Celia try to yank her arm from Thor grasp, she could not for he was to strong, "uncle let go of my wrist...." She growl out, whispers began to play in her ears... of him...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat shrugged, "It's quite curious, I've been asking that same question for a while" she said also with sarcasm, "Don't you want me to set you free?" she asked.

Thor let her go just when he was bext to Banner. Who smiled when he saw them, but when he was about to say something, Valkyrie appeared, "what are you doing here, I thought you were leaving" She said.
"I got sidetracked" Thor answered
December 11, 2018

He gave her a smirk, "darling I have a plan, I could easily escape if I do wished." He held the simple knot of the chain in his hand, he would only need some time which he had for the moment to escape, but he did not wish to..

Celia sent a icy glare towards her uncle, she held her own wrist in her hand... "Sidetrack..."
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I just wanted to be sure... It's kind of predictable, you know... I mean, you did that before" she said crossing her arms, *I suppose that we just have wait and see"

After a quick conversation, Valkyrie tell them to follow her, she leaded them to her place, but she stopped at the door.
"Look, I've spent years in a haze trying to forget my past. Sakaaar seemed like the best place to drink and forget and to die one day." she said.
"I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was goin to kill you." Thor answered.
"I don't plan to stop drinking, but I don't want to forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm donna to die, well... it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag."
December 11, 2018

He gave her smirk,
Celia nod her head, she could certainly to every word the woman spoke... She did not know if that was a sad tale, or tale of her maturity of whom she is and whom she shall become. "Yes I do not disagree, killing is quite exciting. Especially if drunk."
Bruce eyes widen, "what happen to you?"
Celia chuckle, "you do not wish to know it would haunt you for the rest of your days." It was not a lie, it would. It shall haunt her for the rest of her days as well.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Anyway... I'm saying that I wanna be on the team. Has it got a name?" Valkyrie asked
"Yeah, it's called the... Revengers." Thor said not so sure.
"Because I'm getting revenge. You're getting revenge." then he turned to Bruce and Celia, "Do you want revenge?"
December 11, 2018

Celia shrug her shoulders, "sure, sounds like fun."
Bruce chuckle, "I am undecisive..."
Celia merely rolls her eyes, of course he is, but she does not blame him.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Okay" Said simply Thor.
"Also, I've got a peace offering" Valkyrie smirked and open the door, Reveling Loki all chained up.
Thor tossed a bottle who hit him on his head.
December 11, 2018

Loki turns his head to Thor, "ow." Celia merely rolled her eyes while the gods walk in She follow the three her eyes widen for what she saw...
Bruce steps into the room pulling his pants once again, "hello Bruce." Loki greeted while the scientist made his way towards him.
"So last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?" He ask, "it very from moment to moment..." His voice deep, sharp threatening , Bruce eyes widen walking away from the god.
"O my Odin beard it's a dragonfang, given to the elite forces, A.K.A Valkyrie!" Celia cries out in pure shock...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat stood up, to make her presence noticed.
"Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city limits" Valkyrie pointed at a nice clean wormhole outside the city, then she continued, "Refuel on Xandar and be back in Asgard in around 18 months"
"Nope. We're going through that one." Thor points at the nightmare tornado wormhole over the ocean.
"The Devil's Anus?" Valkyrie asked.
"For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it"
"That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge." Nat observed, they looked at her a little bit surprised, "what? I know about this too!“ she said rolling her eyes.
December 11, 2018

Celia look at the "Devil Anus" she knew they shall need a ship,
"I believe we shall need a ship for Valkyrie ship could not handle the thrust neutron point the mere first zone in a worm whole such as that..." She gesture to the large hole Valkyrie raised a brow how did she knew what her ship look like? She had only meet her today... But she did not questions it she must be related to the trickster.
"She is right we do need one which can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularities."
"Which has an a offline power steering systems that can also function without the outboard computer..."
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"And we need one with cup holders, because we're gonna die. So, drinks!" Valkyrie lifted a bottle and sipped it.
"What do you say, doctor? Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway. Talk about an adventure." Thor and Banner high fived as the rest stared at them blankly.
"we need a ship" Nat said to remind both of them the main problem.
December 11, 2018

The three flow Valkyrie, "I have saw a two ships-" Celia began until she was halted by her father... "I do not mean to impose -" a glass bottle shatter near him, he merely try to block the glass from his face before he continue...
"But the Grandmaster has a great deal of many ships, I may have stolen the access codes to his security system..."
Celia cuss her father had out witted her once again, she would not even doubt in the same moment as well...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor and Valkyrie interrogated Loki, none of them trusted him very much. Nat jus looked at Loki and raised an eyebrow as she remembered the conversation that thwy had before, that was indeed suspicious.
December 11, 2018

Loki merely rolled his eyea, "Valhalla no, I have run out of favor with the Grandmaster. So exchange for the access codes, I am asking for safe passage through the anus." Celia crossed her arms over her cheat, she did not buy it... It seem to simple for her father, he was a crafty man, not one whom simply rolls over.
Bruce called fourth a small meeting, "I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago, he was totally ready to kill any of us."
Celia shrug her shoulders while Valkyrie agree along with her uncle, "I am his daughter so I get special treatment."
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
After a few moments of arguing they had a plan, Nat, Valkyrie and Bruce went to set free the slaves, so the guards get distracted and the rest could get the ship.
December 11, 2018

Celia lead the way for her group while she let her father handle the pass codes... She could not believe how she did not receive them yet he did, she could not even remember last night all to well after they began drinking...
She rest against the wall in patients by her uncle out of the way... "We should talk." Thor suggested waiting for Loki to open the door.
He turn to him, "I disagree communication was never out family fortay." He spoke opening the door while he walk towards the door before he back up his hands up...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You have no idea. I've had quite the revelation since we spoke last" Thor said to his brother.
The door opened, revealing a bunch of guards. The Asgardians lifted up two Sakaarian guns.
"Hello!" Thor joked before shoot at them.
December 11, 2018

The two fire their guns at them, until no one left standing...
They place the guns down and walk into the elevator, Celia press the button not the lowest floor where she knew the ship's were held...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You know, I think it would be better if you stay here in Sakaar" Thor said to his brother as he walked to the elevator. "This place is perfect for you,. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother you are going to do great here"
December 11, 2018

Loki turn to him a bit shock by the matter, he nod his head in approval to himself...
Celia saw the sly trick of her uncle, but she kept silence on the matter,
"but room to grow into a paradise throughout the galaxy..." She added... It would take a lot of work, but it could be. If handle correctly.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
""I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me...I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago." Thor patted Loki's shoulder affectionately.
December 11, 2018

He looks to him, he nod his head accepting his brother words...
"It is probably for the best if we never saw each other again..." He spoke agreeing with his brother,
Celia let out a long sigh, she saw her father plan fully now... How she wished she was wrong, but this is her father she is speaking of...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"That's what you always wanted" Thor made a pause and then asked with a smile, "Hey, let's do 'Get help'"
December 11, 2018

Loki pause for a moment, he snap his head towards his brother.
"We are not doing her help!"
Celia gently pat the top of his shoulders, " get help! "
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"see?“ Said Tjor grinning and pointing to Celia,"Your daughter thinks that it's a good plan"
The elevator doors open. Thor supports Loki's weight with Loki faking a fatal injury."Get help! Please! My brother, he's dying."
A small group of Sakaarian guards turn toward Thor and Loki. One guard aims his gun at them. "Get help! Help him!" Thor picked up Loki and flings him at the guards, knocking them down like bowling pins. Loki stands up and Thor steps to Loki's side. "Classic." he chuckled.
December 11, 2018

Celia grins taking a quick photo... For remembrance.
Her father walk into his feet, pulling his armor down a bit. "I still hate it, it's humaniting."
Celia lead the way towards.the large yellow ship, she saw her father create a illusion behind him and walk over to a computer of sorts...
"Though I don't believe it will make much of a difference."
They both let out a sigh for the man as they let him have his last seconds of fun.
"I know I have betrayed many times before, but this time it is truly nothing personal. The award for your capture shall set me up rather nicely..." He smirks alarms going off in the air.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(I am so so sorry, I fell asleep with the phone over my face 😅)
Thor hold up a fob device, he had placed an Obedience disk over Loki's shoulder in the elevator. He zapped his brother and held down the button, then when Loki felk to the ground he approached him.
"Oh brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go." Thor kneeled down, "See, Loki, life is about, it's about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just wanna stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more. I'll just put this over here for you" Thor placed the fob on top of the security panel, so close but so far from Loki's paralyzed reach, "Anyway, I got places to be so good luck." Thor walked "Sorry" he whispered to his niece.
December 11, 2018

Celia pat his arm in comfort, he did what had to be done... Father would never learn if he is never taught a lesson... It is for the best he is left here, maybe he learn a lesson or maybe he shall stay the same. Thor was correct, he could be so much more than just the God of mischief and lies, whom merely causes trouble for them...
She shook her head, she climb into the spaceship turning on the power before she took the wheel and not her uncle, "I have far more experience driving a spaceship."
It was true she had years more, especially in the most roughest of situation, which she had always seem to get herself into one way or another.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The massive garage doors opened, This sets off blaring alarms to alert the palace of this unauthorized departure.
The Commodore ship lifts off from the garage, the ship zooms ahead.
"Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarians, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet." Grandmaster's voice sounds through the whole planet
Pilots hastily rushed to their Palace Patrol ships so as to pursue the Commodore.
The first two ships out of the garage swooped around behind the Commodore. The Patrol ships were locking weapons on them when they are both blown out of the sky.
Valkyrie, Nat and Bruce were following them. Valkyrie piloting her ship as Nat fires at the patrol ships
December 11, 2018

Celia graciously flew the ship at it tops speed through the city, "open the doors," which they did with a tap of the button on her part. She flew directly above Valkyrie at a steady pace of a few knots, she heard a slam of a body than a laugh. Must be Banner. A blast shook the ship, she keep the ship balance will she saw another ship attacking the two, she let out a silent cuss to herself. Good aim.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"We shouldn't shoot back or something? Does this ship has guns?" Thor asked.
"They aren't any, it's a pleasure vessel, Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff" Valkyrie answered through the intercom.
Valkyrie's ship gets shot, "Turn around!" Nat shouted to her.
" why?!"
Trust me!"
Valkyrie didi it and Nat shouted the ships in front of them, but her ship gets destroyed.
" We need to jump!" Valkyrie ordered.
December 11, 2018

Celia shifted in her seat while she continued to fly watching the scene unfold before them before the ship exploded, they all cry out in fear for their friends lost.
Or their own life because if a certain someone finds out a certain someone died because of her she shall join her as well.
Celia saw something, but she recognize whom it was once she saw the two. "Get inside!" She cried out, she look to the other ships firing behind them, "in a minute!" She runs on top of the ship and jumps...
Thor watches saying he shall help her, Celia merely continue to fly the ship in slight annoyance.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat got into the ship, standing behind Celia.
They were getting close to "the Anus" but someone started to shoot them, it was Topaz, "What's that?" Bruce asked pointing to a button with an explosion logo.
"Hit it" Nat said to Celia.
December 11, 2018

Celia raised a brow, she had never seen a logo like that on a ship before, but this is Sakaar, they may have a different symbol for weapons.
She slams her hand against to button, in a moment the ship shoot fireworks into the sky, while a image of the Grandmaster singing played.
She merely growl under her breathe barely dodging a large rock, she heard a explosion behind them Celia chuckle,
"So having fireworks added to my ship!" She cried out in pure excitement, seeing the fireworks fly in the air.
She press the button once more, she shall save the rest for latter.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat chuckled, then Valkyrie and Thor got into the ship, they stand behind the others, "Guys, we're coming up to the Anus!" Valkyrie announced, then everything went black.
December 11, 2018

Celia flutter her eyes bright eyes open first, she wrap her hand around the steer of the ship, she hit a button placing it on auto pilot...
She whisper a pray to her family, alive or not, before she stood onto her feet watching the others wake.
She was used to massive leaps such as that so it would only make sense she wakes first, but they have a new enemy whom wants them dead, no doubt about it.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor and Valkyrie were the next to wake up, closely followed by Nat, Bruce took a little bit longer.
Bruce went for something to eat and Thor followed him. Nat sat next to Celia, "What happened with your father?" she asked, not that she didn't knew it already, but she was curious.
December 11, 2018

She gave a shrug, she pour herself some alcohol in a glass while handing the rest to Valkyrie,
She spin the glass in her hand, "the usual, Loki tries to betray Thor, we see it coming, we leave him." It was quite sad how true those first words were...
She chug the alcohol down, before she stood onto her feet. She placed the glass down.
He could do much more... They could be so much more, together...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat sighed, she had to admit that she felt disappointed, "Well, they say that it's never too late to change" she whispered, deep down she knew that he could do tge right thing.
December 11, 2018

Celia chuckle, those words were true words, it is never to late to change, maybe for everyone around you, but you can change for yourself. Become someone who you yourself love to wake up to the morning too. Self love is quite important in of itself, if you can not love yourself truly, you can not love another.
She walk towards the ship controls, "well shall we began our plan."
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat called the rest, "alright, what's next?" Valkyrie asked.
"Kill Hela" Thor answered.
"Just that simple?" Nad said with sarcasm, "I think that we have to get the people out, Odin said that her power comes from Asgard..." she observed.
December 11, 2018

Celia chuckle a bit, she believe Heimdall would be protecting the Asgardians... Possibly trying to get them to the Bi-Frost for the people to be safe from the crazy murderous hag Hela...
"Yeah, kill the Goddess whom is the Goddess of death... Do wish for me to make a call to my great grand uncle Hades?" She spoke her arms crossed over her chest sarcasm laces in her words. Hades shall never help them over a matter such as this.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat gave her a smirk.
"Thor you said that she had an army" Bruce asked.
" An army of dead men"
"I think we should divide, Thor has to take Hela away as the rest helps the people" Nat opined.
December 11, 2018

Celia give a nod, "yes, we first must save the people before we can save the place."
She turn on manual steering once more, she jump into the captains seat once more and began to heading towards the palace grounds where she shall drop her uncle off.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor gave something to Valkyrie, she smiled a little, "Your majesty. Don't die. You know what I mean" She said.
The Commodore flies to the Bi-frost, they saw a gicantic wolf and the famous army, Heimdall leading a group of people, ready to fight.
Nat made an experiment, she tried to teleport herself just a couple feet from where she was, it worked. Maybe something on Sakaar interfered with her powers, maybe the energy of all of those wormholes. She found a knew sentiment of confidence, "let's get this party started" she smirked and teleported herself down, in the middle of the battle.
December 11, 2018

Celia place the ship on the auto-pilot, she made her way towards the doors, she saw the wolf whom was the size of the dome of the Bi-Frost itself...
Her eyes wide before a chuckle left her lips watching the creature whom began to run down the bridge where Heimdall and Asgard itself stood in a panic.
Celia was frozen in fear, Bruce groan watching Celia watch the beast itself in utter fear while she could only chuckle...
"Everything is going to be alright now, I got this! You wanted to know who I am!" Bruce spoke making his way to the two woman. Valkyrie was undoubtedly confused by his words, "what the hel are you talking about?!" She roared out at him...
He open his arms wide, "you'll see!" He cried out, jumping out of the ship as if it was a high dive. A loud thud stop the beast in it tracks.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Then something hit the beast on its chin, the Incredible Hulk, Nat smirked and kept fighting, stabbing the soldiers with her combat knife and shooting them from time to time with her guns. A really tall man with yellow eyes stood next to her, "Pleasure to meet you lady Romanoff"
"you must be Heimdall"

"We're missing all the fun!" Valkyrie said to Celia, "we should join them"
December 11, 2018

A breathe left her lips, the ship began to shake. A cuss left her lips as she rush to the co*ckpit of the ship, she saw undead army of Hela's.
She tried to shake them off, but the ship began to fly in a circle, "they damaged the steering!" Celia cries out, she tries to land without hurting anyone which she did, but landed rather roughly on the Bi-Frost bridge!
Celia cough climbing out of the ship, she had lived from far worse landings she had preformed, but they still hurt...
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Valkyrie also jumped out of the ship and landed next to Celia. With the crash the music and the fireworks activated behind them.

Nat and Heimdall were still fighting, one of the soldiers knocked down him and when he was about to kill him, the soldier was shot with a blast.
"Hey man. I'm Korg, this is Miek. We're going to jump on that spaceship and get out of here and get out of here"
December 11, 2018

From the mist a lone figure appear standing with their arms raised, a spaceship soon appear behind him. His cape blew in the wind while his helmet shined from the sun...
"Your Savior is here!"
He roared out as the ship landed on the Bi-Frost, a smile painted on his lips.
Celia smiled, why was she not surprised? She made her way towards her father....
He made his way off the ship, towards her a smile on his lips, "miss me?"
Celia merely chuckle while she gave him a nod.
"Everyone on the ship!" She roared out, she wrap her fingers around a pair of daggers.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Heimdall and Nat walked over Loki, "Welcome home, I saw you coming" Heimdall said to him.
Nat gave him a smirk, "You're late... Did you get lost?" she said with a sarcastic tone.
December 11, 2018

Loki merely rolled his eyes mumbling to Heimdall,
"of course you did."
He turn to Natalia, a playful smirk laid on his lips. "Yes, I have became lost in your eyes, until I meet your eyes once more where I found myself before you."
Celia let out a long breathe, why was she not surprised...
"Smitten!" She cried out, taking her leave from the two and towards the army.
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat rolled her eyes, and chuckled, "You're an idiot" she said playfully before running away to keep fighting.
Then the biggest and powerful thunderbolt hit Hela, who falls to the streets of Asgard.
Thor lands on his feet over the bridge his veins pulsing with electricity. Thor dives into the fray. He moves like a bolt of lightning, surging through the army in quick slashing jolts.
The battle continues, hundreds of Asgardians run towards the ship. The army was defeated.
"This isn't over" Valkyrie said to them.
All around the bridge, the heroes look to see Hela arriving at the far side of bridge. She is seething with power, a vision of death.
December 11, 2018

The four stood and watch as Hela made her way towards them...
Loki had the bright idea of shooting more lightning at her after she was just hit by the biggest lightning bolt in history...
Valkyrie spoke they merely had to hold her off, but they knew she would follow...
Thor took a step forward and look to the people than to Hela...
"Asgard is not a place it's the people."
He turn to the two, "Loki, Celia this was never about stopping Ragnarok, this was about causing Ragnarok!"
December 11, 2018

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Loki, go to the vaults, Surtur's crown, it's the only way. As Loki does what his brother asked him to do, Thor gave a smile to his companions,"Shall we?" he asked.
"After you" Valkyrie answered.
Thor Attacks. They Clash, kicking off this monumental confrontation. Hela manifests pitch black weapons to attack Thor, but Thor is conjuring powerful bolts of electricity with the same speed and ferocity.

Just as Thor is surging with newfound lightning powers, Hela's powers seem to be enhanced as well.

The battle is relentless and fast-paced. Thor is holding his own against Hela.

After several fearsome exchanges, Hela Punctures his shoulder and then Darts past him with startling speed.
Undeterred, Thor Rushes Hela again. Valkyrie and Nat joins in, forcing Hela to fight them.
December 11, 2018

Our first Rp - Chapter 1 - Alaina0234 (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.