History taking and examination - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Crucial issues during history taking are




Information should flow in a


Chronological sequence in a paragraph format (as in writing/telling story).

History taking should not be simply translating the patient’s words into Medical English

Language, but should get the clinician to

Ask further questions for clarification.

Form a provisional diagnosis that he/she would

Plan the examination


Treatment accordingly


Introduce yourself with a friendly greeting

Give your name and status

Explain the purpose of your interview

Maintain good eye contact

Listen attentively

Facilitate verbally and non verbally communication

Ask for a background information about the patient, which include

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Gravidity & Parity

First day of last (normal) menstrual period LMP.

Gestational Age

Expected day of Delivery EDD

Marital status







Level of education

Referral center; sometime date and time of referral

Date/time of presentation/clerking


Reliability of information

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Gestation—pregnancy or maternal condition of having a developing fetus in the body.

Embryo—human conceptus up to the 10th week of gestation (8th week postconception).

Fetus—human conceptus from 10th week of gestation (8th week postconception) until


Viability—capability of living, usually accepted as 24 weeks, although survival is rare.

Gravida (G)—woman who is or has been pregnant, regardless of pregnancy outcome.

Nulligravida—woman who is not now and never has been pregnant.

Primigravida—woman pregnant for the first time.

Multigravida—woman who has been pregnant more than once.

Para (P)—refers to past pregnancies that have reached viability.

Nullipara—woman who has never completed a pregnancy to the period of viability. The

woman may or may not have experienced an abortion.

Primipara—woman who has completed one pregnancy to the period of viability

regardless of the number of infants delivered and regardless of the infant being live or


Multipara—woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to the stage of viability.

Living children—refers to the number of children a woman has delivered who are living.

A woman who is pregnant for the first time is a primigravida and is described as Gravida 1 Para

0 (or G1P0). A

Woman who delivered one fetus carried to the period of viability and who is pregnant again is

described as Gravida 2, Para 1. A woman with two pregnancies ending in abortions and no viable

children is Gravida 2, Para 0.



In some obstetric services, a woman's obstetric history is summarized by a series of four digits,

such as 5-0-2-5. These digits correspond with the abbreviation TPAL.

T—represents full-term deliveries, 37 completed weeks or more.

P—represents preterm deliveries, 20 to less than 37 completed weeks.

A—represents abortions, elective or spontaneous loss (miscarriage) of a pregnancy

before the period of viability.

L—represents the number of children living. If a child has died, further explanation is

needed for clarification.

If, for example, a particular woman's history is summarized as G 7, P 5-0-2-5, then she

has been pregnant seven times, had five term deliveries, zero preterm deliveries, two

abortions, and five living children.

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In some institutions a woman's obstetric history can also be summarized as GTPALM, especially

when multiple gestations or births are involved.

G—represents gravida.

T—represents full-term deliveries, 37 completed weeks or more.

P—represents preterm deliveries, 20 to less than 37 completed weeks.

A—represents abortions, elective or spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the period of


L—represents the number of children living. If a child has died, further explanation is

needed for clarification.

M—represents the number of multiple gestations and births (not the number of neonates


If, for example, a particular woman's history is summarized as G 5, P 5-0-0-6-1, then she has

been pregnant five times, had five term deliveries, zero preterm deliveries, zero abortions, six

living children, and one multiple gestation/birth.

Gravidity: order of the current pregnancy (if pregnant now)

Gravidity: is total number of present and previous pregnancies

Parity: outcome of previous pregnancies

Parity: is the number of pregnancies resulting in a live birth (at whatever gestation) together

with all stillbirths plus the number of miscarriages, terminations and ectopic pregnancies. A

multiple pregnancy is counted as one.

Delivery: >28weeks

Term Delivery:>37weeks

Preterm: <38weeks

Miscarriage/Abortion: <28weeks


GPA written as GaPb+c

GTPAL written as GaPbcde G=gravidity T=term deliveries P=preterm deliveries A=abortions

including ectopic pregnancies L=number of living children

Gravida……., Para……….

Para b+c (b=delivery c=miscarriage including ectopic preg)

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Para a,b,c,d (a=full term, b=preterm, c=miscarriages d=living children)


A woman who is not pregnant and has a term single live birth, one miscarriage and one

termination =G3P1+2 or G3P1020

A woman who is pregnant with singleton pregnancy and has had two previous pregnancies

resulting in a premature live birth and term stillbirth=G3P2+0 or G3P1101

A woman who has a singleton pregnancy and has had live twins at term and previous ectopic=

G3P1+1 or G3P1012

A woman who is not pregnant but had a twin pregnancy resulting in live preterm births=G1P1+0

or G1P0102


Gestational age in weeks can be calculated in two ways

using number of days from LMP to Date of seeing the patient divided by seven

Example if a client has her LMP of 12th august 2010 and she is seen or clerk 15th march

2011 then her gestational age is

20+30+31+30+31+31+28+15=216/7=30weeks 6days

August 11th-31st=20days =2W6D

September 1st-30th= 30days=4W2D

October 1st-31st=31days =4W3D

November 1st-30th=30days =4W2D

December1st-31st= 31days =4W3D

January 1st-31st=31days =4W3D

February 1st-28th=28days =4W0D

March 1st-15th=15days =2W1D

Total =30W6D

Using 40ks as references, subtract number of weeks between date you seeing the patient and

the EDD from 40weeks

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In previous example LMP 12th August 2010 hence EDD will be 19th may 2011 and date of

consultation is 15th march 2011

o March 19th-31=12days=1W5D

o April 1st-30th =30days=4W2D

o May 1st-19th =19days=2W5D

o Total =8W5D

o Gestational age=40W0D-8W5D=31W2D


Using Nagaele rule

Assumptions made

28 day cycle

Ovulation occurs 14days before start of next menses

Two methods:

Add 7days and 9months to the date of the 1st day of last menstrual period

Add 7days, subtract 3months and add 1year to the date of the 1st day of last menstrual


Cycles longer than 28days, add the difference to the calculated EDD

Cycles less than 28days subtract the difference from the calculated EDD



Main complaints in order of occurrence; 1st symptom(s) written or reported first

In the patient’s own words

Two ways

Duration of the complaints (duration of symptom)

Time of onset of symptom to time of patient presentation. (duration prior to


Elicit the evolution of the disease

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Progression of symptoms

Appearances of new symptoms including treatments obtained and Response to treatment

Spontaneous remissions and exacerbations and other related phenomena

Onset: acute or insidious

Time and duration


Volume , colour and consistency (fluids/liquids)





Associated factors

Onset, location, course, severity, duration

What increase/decrease the symptoms

Associated symptoms

Others symptoms to prove or disprove provisional diagnosis

Investigations done(date, place and results)

Treatment received both traditional and orthodox (details & response)

Any complications

Direct questioning of related symptoms and signs


A chronological and concise account of the events in present pregnancy: is best obtained by

enquiring about her pregnancy in the first, second and third trimester.

If she was in postnatal period details of labour and delivery are relevant

Planned pregnancy including any Assisted Reproduction Technology in cases of infertility

Supported by partner/spouse (welcome by the couple)

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Day of ovulation, Fertilization, conception. {assisted conception), ‘quickening’

How was the pregnancy diagnosed; presumptive(subjective), probable(objective) or

positive(diagnostic) changes

Illness and complications during this pregnancy

Antenatal care

When booking/registration

Number and frequency of visits

Type of care

History and type examination done

Investigation done and results



Screening for infections and genetic anomalies'


Immunization and medications (type and when received)

Elicit likely exposure to hazard/teratogens including medications


Date/years ago of confinement in chronological order

Antenatal illness, care and complications

Maturity (preterm/term)

Onset of labour (spontaneous/induced)

Place & Mode of delivery


Baby’s sex

Baby’s birth weight

Resuscitations, PPH etc

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Postnatal complications

Neonatal outcome

Mode of feeding

Type and duration of infant feeding

Health status age of the child presently.


Age at menarche

LMP (was it conform to the usual in terms of timing, volume, and appearance)

Previous menses


Cycle length

Duration of menses



Symptoms: premenstrual tension, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, intermenstrual,

postcoital bleeding etc

Previous Menstrual Period PMP

Pap’s Smear:

Last Smear




Awareness and compliance on follow up

HPV vaccinations

Contraceptives/birth Control Methods:

current method, what, when started, satisfaction and any side effects.

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Previous methods: what, when and why stopped

Sexual Transmitted Infections and treatments

Sexual History:

Coitarche and number of partners since coitarche




Problems (dyspareunia, premature ejacul*tion, impotence)

Hx of Infertility


Abortions including ectopic pregnancies (when, gestational age and mode of termination)

Gynae Operations: cone biopsy, cerclage, endometrial ablation etc.

Regular breast examination (self or health worker)


Some medical conditions may have impact on the course of the pregnancy or

the pregnancy may have an impact on the medical condition examples HPT, DM, Sickle

cell, heart dx, liver dx, renal dx, thyroid dx, HIV etc

Previous and Present Significant Illness not related to symptoms

Medical: mostly chronic illness e.g. diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, sickle

cell and other genetic diseases, renal dx, liver dx, thyroid dx, psychiatric disorders, HIV


Previous Surgical & Anesthesia Experiences

Previous Hospital Admissions

Previous hx of blood transfusion


Medications taking before onset of or not related this illness both orthodox and traditional

medicines (esp. those ingested)

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Type, dose, duration and for what

Transfusions when and for what


To medications

To food



Family Pedigree and health of members

Patient’s position in the family, type of family, number of members in the family.

Similar conditions as to patients complaints.

Diseases afflicting family members (familial disease, genetic diseases, congenital

malformations, fetal anomalies or inborn errors of metabolism, malignancy, infections,


Multiple pregnancies.


Marital status, duration of relationship and spouse support.

Occupation of couple

Tobacco intake, alcohol intake and drug abuse (type, quantity per day and duration of intake)

Family income

Means of paying for medical care including insurance


Number of occupants in the room

Housing environment ( sanitation, feeding and food preparation and storage, waste disposal,

bed nets, water availability)


Direct questioning

Nervous: headache, dizziness, blurred vision, fever, convulsion,

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CVS: orthopnea, palpitation, leg swelling paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnaoe, exertional


Respiratory: cough, dyspnoae tachypnae, chest pain, sputum, anosmia

Digestive: vomiting, dysphagia, odnyphagia, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, jaundice,

haematochezia, melenae,

Urinary: incontinence, dysuria, frequency, urgency, precipitancy, retention, haematuria,

loin pain

Reproductive: bleeding PV relationship to menses (menorrhagia, dymenorrhoea,

metrorrhagia, oligomenoorhea and polymenorrhea) and sex (postcoital bleeding),

dysmenorrhea, abnormal vagin*l discharge, vulva ulcers, papules or pustules, sexual

dysfunction (dyspareunia/apareunia, frigidity, premature org*sm, nyphomania), rare

sexual diversion (hom*o, bi or transexuality), infertility

Musculoskeletal: joint pain, joint stiffness, joint swelling, muscle and bone deformity ,

pain or atrophy







Built: obese, average or thin

Striking feature (most obvious thing about the patient upon first seeing her)

Nutritional status: adequate or poor

Mental status and conscious level

Levels of Pallor, cyanoses, jaundice, pedal or sacral oedema, and palpable peripheral


Measurements (anthropometry)

Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), temperature

Sometimes: pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, SO2

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Breast: (IPPA) normal (nulliparous or parous breast fed) or abnormal (nipple, areola, lumps

abnormal discharges)

Chest wall: (symmetry, deformities, lesions and scars expansion

Lungs: (palpation, percussion and auscultation)

Heart: precordium activity, position of apex beat, auscultate four valves for the normal I and II

heart sounds and murmurs with their radiation


Contour, Symmetry

Straie, scar, skin pigmentation, linear nigra, fetal movements, prominent masses/veins

Tenderness, consistency, contractions, fetal movements

Liver, spleen, bladder, hernia orifices, bladder


using leopald Maneuvers

1st identify the upper limit of fundus and fetal pole occupying the fundus

Fundal Height: determine with ulna border of left hand

Measurement symphysis-fundal height after 20weeks because uterus rises at a

rate of 1cm every week after twentieth week

using land marks

Superior border of symphysis Pubis 12wks

Distance between symphysis and umbilicus is divided into 3 equal parts. Lower

3rd is reach at 16wks, 2/3rd is reach at 20wks


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Distance between umbilicus and xiphisternum is divided into 3 equal parts.

Lower 3rd is reach at 28wks, 2/3rd is reach at 32wks

Xiphisternum is reach 36wks

Thereafter uterus descend and at 40ks fundus occupies the height at 32wks


Fundal Grip: gently pressed of fundal area between the two hands in an attempt to determine

which pole of fetus is occupying the fundal area.

2nd manoeuvre Umbilical Grip: hands are gently slip along the side of the uterus to the umbilical.

Steadying one hand to stabilized the uterus, the other hand is use to palpate the other side to

identify the back as a smooth elongated firm mass round area and the limbs as small irregular

shapes in an area which is relatively empty.

3rd manoeuvre Pelvic Grip: obstetrician then turn to face the patient’s feet and place his hands

with fingers extended he gently presses downward on the lower part of uterus along its sides

and from side to side attempting to recognise the presenting part. Unless it’s fixed in the pelvic

it can be balloted from side to side between the fingers.

If the presenting part cannot be easily identify because it fixed in the pelvis, the fingers are

slipped further downwards and inwards until they dip into the pelvis brim.

If the hand which is on the same side as the fetal back slips more deeply than the other into the

pelvis it can be assumed that the head is well fixed.


Is not always necessary and unless performed gently may be painful.

Facing the patient’s head the right hand spread widely and pressed into the suprapubic

area above the inguinal ligament.

When the fingers and thumb are approximated the presenting part can be felt between

them and its mobility above the pelvic brim determine


Vulva & Perineum

Discharges, ulcers, papules and pustules, bleeding and blood stain, hair distributions and


shape and size of labia majora, minora, cl*tor*s hood and prepuce (be aware of

circumcision). Bartholin gland and duct

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Urethra orifice, paraurethra opening(skene glands), integrity of frenulum and

fourchette, presence and shape of hymen including vagin* orifice and opening of

bartholin duct

Sterile speculum examination: SSS

vagin*l wall appearance

Cervix appearance with Os closed or open

Fornix esp. posterior whether its appears full and bulging





Direct rectal examination (DRE) for rectal mucosa and pelvic organs


Pertinent Information that helped you to arrive at a specific diagnosis and differentials. Not

more than three lines or sentence.

1st sentence: Demographic, Presenting Complaint and History of Presenting Complaint in

one sentence

2nd sentence: Obst, gynae, PMHx, Drug Hx, FHx, and SHx in one sentence

3rd sentence: Examination finding in one sentence


Sometimes its beneficial to list the problems identified from history and examination. This helps in

coming up with a diagnosis and a management plan.


Base on your findings from the patient through Interview and Examination.

Most likely cause of the Complaints and Additional History with Physical Findings

At least three Differentials with Similar Presentations

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We investigate for three reasons to

Confirm Diagnosis and Exclude Differentials

Know Baseline Values and Extent of the Disease

Monitor the Treatment

Order of the request should follow the above criteria

What disease does the patient have?

How serious or severe is the disease?

Is the treatment working?

Priority of request (investigations) will depends on









Cytology and Histology


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Non Medical (Advice)

Expectant/conservative (observe progress without intervention)




Follow up




Deposition (to where the patient was discharge to)


28YO Housewife, G5P3+1,

LMP 22 July 2010, EDD 29 April 2011, GA 29W0D, a Christian, a Mandinka, a Gambian, resides at


with high school level of education

referred from Brikama health Centre on 10/feb/11 at 0900hrs on accounts of High Blood

Pressure. Was admitted on 10th February 2011. date of clerking 15th February 2011

Informant self

She is reliable

Note in some instances religion, tribe, nationality, residence and education may be placed under

social history


Complains of

Dizziness 1day prior to presentation

Blurred vision12hrs prior


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Was apparently well until a day ago when she began to experience a frontal headache. It was

throbbing and doesn’t radiates, it’s aggravated by bending head forward and prevented her

from doing her daily chaos. It’s relieved by taking paracetamol. It was not associated with fever,

joint pain, cough, dysuria, or diarrheoa

About 12 hours later she realises that her vision was getting blurred and she couldn’t see certain

objected at far. She also felt dizzy and has had realises that her upper abdomen begins to pain.

The dizziness and blurred visions were not associated with difficulty in breathing, easy fatigue,

chest pain or fatigue on exercise.

She decided to go to Brikama Health Centre for consultation. There she was interviewed and her

blood pressure was taken. She was told it was very high and was given some medicine to put

under her tongue and was given two injections on her thigh. She was then referred to Royal

Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH)

She was again interviewed at RVTH, examined, her urine and blood samples were taken and she

was given some intravenous injections. She was told that she would be admitted and adviced to

have completely bed rest.

Ultrasound scan was done for her and she was inform that her baby is find but she needs close

monitoring because her condition is serious but manageable.

Since admission she had be receiving regular oral medications and IV injections but the

injections only lasted for only her admission day. Now her vision is normal, dizziness and upper

abdominal pain has subsided. She is only experiencing slight headache.


Fetal movement +,Headache+ ‘ dizziness+ , palpitation+ , blurred vision+ , epigastric pain+ ,

abdominal pain- , bleeding PV-, difficulty in breathing-, easy fatiguability- , dysuria- , frequency-


Nervous system: slight headache, dizziness, blurred vision had subsided, no fever,

Cardiovascular system: no dyspnoea, orthopnea, exertional dyspnoea, or chest pain.

Respiratory system: no cough, no chest pain, no dyspnoea

Digestive system: no vomiting, no dysphagia, no nausea, abdominal pain subsided, good

appetite, no diarrhoea, no constipation

Urinary system: no dysuria, no frequency, no hesitancy, no incontinence, no polyuria no loin


Reproductive system: no sores, no vagin*l discharge, no vagin*l bleeding, no draining liquor, no

dyspareunia, fetal movement present.

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Musculoskeletal system: no joint pain no muscle pain no joint swelling or stiffness, slight back

pain, intermittent abdominal pain main associated with fetal movements, has swelling of both



Pregnancy was planned, spontaneously conceived and support by her husband.

Pregnancy was diagnosed via urine positive urine HCG test which she performed after she

missed her menses for 3weeks

Had no problems and was not taking any medication or had no x-rays during early weeks of this


Booked for antenatal care at 3mths gestation and have had four visits so far and which were on


At first visit, a brief history was taken, she was examined and her urine and blood samples were

taken and was told all her results were normal

She had received one injection on her shoulder which I assumed was tetanus toxoid vaccine.

She was given some iron tablets to drink daily and during her last visit she was given three white

tablets to drink at once which I assume is fansidar and given health educations.

Subsequent visits, she was examined and quiz about any problems she might have had

experienced or is experiencing now and given advices on food, exercises including daily

activities, taking only prescribed medications and health living.


She is Para 2+1.

Has had three previous deliveries and one abortions (confinements/pregnancies)

First was 8yrs ago and booked for antenatal care at 3mth and subsequent visits were on

appointments. Had high blood pressure during the pregnancy which was controlled with oral

medications taking daily and she had spontaneous vertex delivery at 9mnths in hospital. Labour

lasted for 18hrs and membranes were ruptured just before delivery. Resulted in twin delivery

weighing 2.5kg and 2.6kg respectively and all are males. She had normal puerperium, babies

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were exclusively breast fed for 4mth and completely wean at 2yrs. They are in grade 3 and doing


Second was 5yrs ago and 3rd was 3yrs ago. Their pregnancy was uneventful, has had regular

antenatal care and both deliveries were spontaneous vertex at term in a hospital and are male

and female respectively. Labour lasted for 16hr and 18hrs respectfully with membranes

ruptured just before delivery and their puerperiums were normal with exclusive breast feeding

for 4mth and weaned completely at 2yrs. They are in grade 1 and nursery school respectfully

and doing well.

She had a spontaneous one yr ago


Menarche occurs at age of 12yrs

Has regular monthly cycle of 28days with 4days of menstrual blood flow

It’s not assoc with dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia intermenstrual bleeding or post coital bleeding

Has knowledge of contraceptive but never used one before

Her last pap’s smear was 4yrs ago and it was normal but she had not receive HPV vaccine

Coitarche occurs at 20yrs with her present husband and he has been her only partner since

then. She never had abnormal vagin*l discharge or sores and has never been treated for sexual

transmitted disease

She has satisfactory heterosexual relationship with her spouse and has had no dyspareunia, she

doesn’t douche. She regularly does self breast examinations and hasn’t felt any mass yet.

Has had one spontaneous abortion 5yrs ago at 4mths gestation which was completed through

evacuation of the uterus and has had not post abortion complications.


Has no history of HPT, DM, asthma, sickle cell disease, chronic cough, heart disease or renal


She had a HIV test at booking visit and was told its negative

Has never been admitted for any ailment nor has she ever undergo surgery or anesthesia

She has never been transfuse with blood before.


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Apart from her routine antenatal iron and folic acids she has had not been taken any medication

both orthodox and tradition in the past.


Has no know allergy to food, medicine or other substances


Is 3rd of 6 children from the mother in a polygamous marriage of three wives and 15 children

Father died of chronic cough 5yrs ago and mother is a known HPT and on medication.

One of her full sister and her paternal half had twins

The rest of the family are well

There is no history of HPT, DM, Asthma, heart disease or renal disease in the family


She is marry for 10yrs in a monogamous relationship.

Her 3 children are alive and doing well in school.

She doesn’t take tobacco in any form, drink alcohol or take hard drugs.

Husband is a high school teacher and smokes half pack of cigarette a day and a social drinker but

doesn’t take hard drugs.

They are a tenant in a 4 bedroom house with electricity and pipe water supply with a flush

toilet. They seldomly use mosquito nets which is insecticide treated and have 3 basic meals a


She doesn’t have health insurance and fund her medicare from the family’s income. Her

husband gives her approx $2 a day for feeding and family upkeeping.



Medium size well dressed and adequately nourish lady sitting comfortably on the bed

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Not in any obvious distress, not pale, acyanosed, anicteric, bilateral non tender pitting pedal

odema up to ankles, no palpable peripheral lymphadenopathy, afebrile to touch and hydration


Weight 70kg, height 168cm, Body mass index 24.8kg/m2 (normal)

Respiratory rate 15cycles/min, pulse 70beats/min regular and full, blood pressure


Normal head with well plaited hairs, slightly puffy face with normal skin.

Normal neck, with normal thyroid gland and no distended vessels

CHEST: Normal chest, with no scars or lesions or tenderness , symmetrical expanding, equal

normal tactile and vocal fremitus. vesicular breath sounds and good air entry.

Breast: Normal parous (pendulous) breast with normal nipple and areola, non tender with no

palpable mass or abnormal discharges

HEART: precordium quiet, Apex 4ICSMCL, I &II normal sounds and no murmurs heard

ABDOMEN: symmetrically enlarged, linear nigra extending from superior border symphysis

pubis to about 3cm above the umbilicus, straie gravidarium diffuse distributed infra umbilically,

visible fetal movements, no scars and normal hernia orifices

soft non tender with no guarding, liver, spleen and kidneys are not palpable. She has an

abdominopelvic which I presume is the gravid uterus.

symphysiofundal height is 40cm which corresponds to 40weeks plus or minus 2wks which does not

commensurate with her gestational age of 29weeks.

Multiple Fetus poles felt one in cephalic and other breech presentation, longitudinal lie, head

engagement 5/5 and ballotable, two fetal heart sounds heard with one above has rate of

120beats/min and the other below the umbilicus has a rate of 130beats/min and both are


Urinalysis: pH6, Sugar –ve, Protein +3, nitrite –ve, blood +2

Bedside clotting time is 6mins


YO HW G5P3+1 with GA 29wk, who was referred because of high blood pressure, presented

1day history of severe continuous throbbing frontal headache associated with dizziness, blurred

vision and epigastric pain.

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She has had twin deliveries and pregnancy induce hypertension in the past with family history of

twin pregnancy and hypertension.

Examination reveals puff face with odema of both feet and a high blood pressure, fundal height

larger than gestational age with double fetal parts and heart sounds and a proteinuria of +3 with

bedside clothing time of 6mins


Preterm pregnancy

Symptoms of imminent eclampsia

High blood pressure

Previous Twin gestation


imminent eclampsia with preterm twin pregnancy

Differential Diagnosis

Chronic Hypertension with Super Imposed Pre-eclampsia


Renal dx (Nephrotic Syndrome)


Pelvic Ultrasound Scan: To confirm twin pregnancy

fetal number, gestational age, fetal viability, placental position and maturity, liquor


Complete blood count: (exclude HELLP syndrome)

Haemoglobin level Hb, platelet counts, white blood cell counts WBC, red blood cell

count RBC, mean corpuscle volume MCV, mean corpuscle haemoglobin MCH, mean

corpuscle haemoglobin concentration, platelet count, clotting profile

Liver enzymes: (Exclude HELLP)

Alanine transferase ALT, aspartate transaminase AST, lactate dehydrogenase LDH.

Liver function test: exclude HELLP)

Total serum bilirubin, conjugated serum bilirubin and unconjugated serum bilirubin

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Renal function test: (exclude renal Disease)

Urine analysis, culture and sensitive

Urea, creatinine, uric acid

24 hours protein (exclude renal disease)



Prevent convulsions


Control blood pressure



Continue management post deliver

fetal well being

Fetal lung maturation

Fetal heart monitoring




Delivery of fetus as soon as possible

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29YO lawyer, P0+1, LMP 15 April 2011,

Informant self and husband



C/O unable to conceived for 3yrs


Despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse of 3 times per week for 3years she is unable to


There is adequate vagin*l penetration with intravagin*l ejacul*tion during each sexual contact

and has normal libido. There is no use of lubricant during sex and no douching after sex.

She has no male pattern hair growth on her legs, thighs, chest, beard or mustarche, no

hoarseness of voice or recent weight gain. No acnes

She has no recent blurred visions, headaches or discharges from her breast

She has no heat or cold intolerances, no excessive appetite, easy fatigue or weight lost

She has no excessive thirst, no frequent large urination, or frequent urination at night.


Headache- galactorrhoea- ,visual disturbance- ,normal smell+, heat intolerance-, polyuria-,

polyphagia- , abnormal vagin*l discharge- , dyspareunia-, consummation+, painful menses-


Nervous system: no headache, no dizziness, no blurred vision/changes in vision, no fever,

Cardiovascular system: no dyspnoea, orthopnoea, exertional dyspnoea, or chest pain, no heat


Respiratory system: no cough, no chest pain, no dyspnoea

Digestive system: no vomiting, no dysphagia, no nausea, abdominal pain subsided, good

appetite, no diarrhoea, no constipation, no polyphagia, no polydypsia.

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Urinary system: no dysuria, no frequency, no hesitancy, no incontinence, no polyuria no loin


Reproductive system: no sores, no vagin*l discharge, no vagin*l bleeding, no dyspareunia, no

loss of libido, no galactorrhoea

Musculoskeletal system: no joint pain no muscle pain no joint swelling or stiffness, slight back

pain, intermittent abdominal pain main associated with fetal movements, has swelling of both



Menarche occurred at 13yrs

She has regular menstrual cycle of 30days with 4days of menstrual blood flow.

She has no dysmenorrhoae, menorrhagia, PCB or inter bleeding

She has satisfactory sexual relationships with mild deep dyspareunia and is heterosexual and

coitarche occurs at18yrs. She had 3 lifetime partners.

She had abnormal vagin*l discharge 5yrs ago around 2weeks after meeting her 2nd partner and

this was treated. She used to douche regularly with soap water but has stopped about yr ago.

She had her best examine by a doctor 6mhts ago and was inform its normal.

She had an induced abortion using both oral and vagin*l medication then suction evacuation at

around 3months gestation 7yrs ago at a private clinic.

She used loop for 5yrs prior to marriage. Her earlier methods were combination of rhythm,

withdrawal and condom, foam or diaphragm during fertile periods.

Her last pap’s smear was a year ago and it’s was normal she had completed her HPV vaccination 1yr



She had no past history of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, sickle cell, tuberculosis, thyroid

disease. Her last HIV test was 7yrs ago and it’s was negative.

She had no past history of intra-abdominal operation or other operations. She had never

received blood transfusion and had no severe illness requiring admission in hospital.


She had not taken any orthodox, traditional or herbal medicine. She is presently on multivitamin

and folic acids

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No known allergy


She 4th of 4 children with two brothers and one sister from a monogamous marriage.

There is no history of infertility in family, no history of tuberculosis, congenital abnormality,

genetic disease, HPT, DM, asthma in the family.

All family members are well


She is married for 3yrs in a monogamous marriage. The couple do not take tobacco in any form

nor do they drink alcohol. She does not take any illicit drugs too. She is a Muslim, wollof,

Gambian and lives at pipeline. She has health insurance and her husband gives her approx

$15/day as feeding and her upkeeping

Her spouse is 33yrs old doctor, he has had right herniorrhaphy 5yrs ago, both of his testis are in

his scrotum with no other palpable mass, he has no history of orchitis, mumps, tuberculosis,

thyroid disease, diabetes, hypertension or recurrent rhinitis. He doesn’t have warm bath top or

wear tight under wear. He has no family history of infertility, chromosomal or genetic disease.

Their marriage has been consummated for 3yrs now and they have been living together all these


They live in 3 bedroom house, with flush toilet and pipe born water supply and electricity supply

with an indoor kitchen


Neatly dressed, adequately nourished average sized young lady.

Not in any obvious distress, not pale, acyanosed, anicteric, no palpable peripheral

lymphadenopathy, no pedal or sacral odema and afebrile to touch and hydration satisfactory.

GCS 15/15 respiratory rate 16cycles/min, pulse 80beats/min full and regular, blood pressure

110/70mmHg, temp 36.7oC

Normal thyroid that moves with deglutition and no other palpable neck swelling,

Normal nulliparous breast with well form nipples and areola, no discharges from nipple and no

palpable mass.

Normal symmetrical chest, no abnormal hair growth, no palpable mass or tenderness, vesicular

breath sounds

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Quiet precordium, apex beat 4ICSMCL, no thrill or heaves 1st and 2nd heart sounds normal and

no murmur heard

Symmetrical full abdomen which moves with respiration, umbilicus is inverted, no scars, straies,

and normal female pubic hair pattern, no hernia. Abd is soft, non-tender, LSK not palpable and

no other palpable mass.

Circumcised (cl*torectomy) scar, no discharges, normal labia, normal urethra meatus, normal

fourchette , hymen discontinue with about 4 corincular mitrifomis, normal fossa navicularis,

normal vagin*l wall ruggae and cervix with no discharges and has nulliparous Os.

Normal size non pregnant anterior-verted uterus, no cervical motion or adnexal tenderness or

adnexal mass

Normal sense of smell through each nostrils, Visual acuity is 6/6 and normal visual fields elicited

through confrontation, no colour blindness, normal retina

All other cranial nerves are normal

Normal extremities including normal size head jaws, face and hands

Examination of spouse

An adequately nourished well dress man average build and not in any obvious distress.

Not pale acyanosed, anicteric, no peripheral odema, no palpable lymphadenopathy

GCS 15/15, respiratory rate15cycles/min, pulse 80beats/min full and regular blood pressure


No baldness, normal thyroid and normal chest with normal male breast and normal male hair

distribution on chest and no tenderness or swelling, has normal tactile and vocal fremitus and

resonant percussion notes with vesicular breath sounds

Precordium quiet, apex beat 5ICSMCL, I & II are normal and no murmurs

Abdomen full moves with respiration, male pattern pubic and abdominal hair distribution, Right

para-midline scar. Abd is soft non tender LSK not palpable and no other palpable mass, typanitic

percussion and 3 bowel sounds in 1min.

Normal circumcised penis, no discharges ulcers, nodules or pustules and is about 8cm long in

non-erect position, urethra meatus is at the tip of the glans penis no epi- or hypospedias, no

palpable cord with the urethra has normal scrotum with both testis inside and each about 4cm

diameter with no other palpable masses, vas deferens are palpable connected to the testis and

normal epididymis, no tenderness felt.

Penis was easily stimulated into harden and erection with no deformity seen

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29YO lawyer, P0+1 unable to conceive for 3yrs despite regular unprotected sex

She has had abnormal vagin*l discharge and used to douche in the past. She had induced

abortion with instrumentation and now mild deep dyspareunia. her spouse appears normal


She has normal female appearances with normal menstrual cycle



Unable to conceive

Previous abnormal vagin*l discharge and douching

Previous induce abortion with instrumentation


Secondary Infertility secondary to pelvic adhesions


Peritoneal Adhesions

Asherman Syndrome ( Endometrial Synechia)

Azoospermia/ Oligozoospermia


Pelvic ultrasonography


Hormone profile

Follicular stimulating hormone

Luteinizing hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone

Serum prolactin

Luteal phase progesterone (21day)

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Laparoscopy and chromotubation


Hysterocontrast sonography



Computer tomography/magnetic resonance imaging

Cervical smear

Pap’s smear

Complete blood count

Fasting blood sugar

Urinalysis microscopy, culture and sensitivity


Postcoital test


sem*n analysis

Hormone profile


Testicular biopsy


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These vary a little from case to case, but the following are fairly general (format is ADC VAN


Admit: To the specific service or team

Diagnosis: List the diagnosis and the names of any associated surgeries or procedures

Condition: Such as Stable vs. Fair vs. Guarded

Vitals: Frequency

Activity: Ambulation, showering


Foley catheter management parameters

Prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis

Incentive spirometry protocols

Call orders:

Vital sign parameters for notifying the team

Urine output parameters

Diet: Oral intake management

IV FLUID: Rates are typically set at 125 cc per hour

Special: Drain management

Oxygen management


Pain medications

Prophylactic orders, such as for sleep or nausea

The patients' regular medications


Labs: Typically includes hemoglobin/hematocrit

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• Date & time

• Identification: (includes age, gravidity, parity, estimated gestational age, and reason for


• 26yo G3P1A1 @ 38W5D EGA presents with painful contractions since noon. Pt reports good

fetal movement, and denies rupture of membranes or vagin*l bleeding.

• LMP:

• Estimated date of confinement (EDC):

• Chief complaint:

• History of present illness (includes Prenatal Care (PNC): Labs, including HIV, GBS, GDM/HTN, #

PNC visits, wt gain, s=d, etc.

• Past history:


List each pregnancy (NSVD, wt 4000 grams, complicated by gestational diabetes

and shoulder dystocia)


• PMH and PSH:

Medications: PNV, FeSO4

Allergies: No Known Drug Allergies (NKDA)

Social history: Ask about Tobacco/EtOH/Drugs

• Physical exam (focused):

General and Vital signs


Cardiovascular – (Many pregnant women have a grade 1-2/6 systolic ejection murmur

Abdomen – Gravid, fundus non-tender (NT), fundal height (FH) 38cm, Leopold


Fetus is vertex (VTX), estimated fetal weight (EFW) 3300 gm

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Sterile speculum examination if indicated to rule out spontaneous rupture of

membranes (SROM)

Sterile vagin*l exam (SVE) = 4cm/80%/VTX/ –1 as per Dr. Smith/time

Extremities – No Cyanosis, clubbing or edema (C/C/E), NT

• Pertinent Labs:


Date: 10 wks by crown-rump length (CRL)

Date: 20 wks, no anomalies

• Assessment:

26yo G3P1 at term, in labor fetal heart rate tracing (FHRT) reassuring

Intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) at 39 weeks gestation

FHRT – Baseline 140’s, accelerations present, no decelerations

Contractions – q 4-5 min

Any pertinent past medical or surgical history

• Plan:

Admit to L&D

NPO except ice chips

IV – D5LR at 125 cc/hr

Continuous electronic fetal monitoring


Anticipate NSVD


• On (delivery date, time), this (age, race) female under (epidural, pudendal, local, no) anesthesia

delivered a viable (male, female) infant weighing (weight) with APGAR scores of (0-10) and (0-

10) at 1 and 5minutes.

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• Delivery was via (SVD, LTCS, and classical CS) to a sterile field. (Nuchal cord reduced) infant was

(bulb, DeLee) suctioned at (perineum, delivery). Cord clamped and cut and infant handed to

waiting (paediatrician, Nurse). (Cord blood sends for analysis). (weight) (Intact, fragmented,

meconium stained) placenta with (2, 3) vessel cord delivered (spontaneously, with manual

extraction) at (time). (Amount) of (carboprost, methylrgonovine, oxytocin) given. (Uterus, cervix,

vagin*, rectum) explored and (midline episiotomy, nth degree laceration, uterus and abdominal

incision) repaired in a normal fashion with (type) suture. EBL (amount). Patient sends to RR in

stable condition. Infant taken to NBN in stable condition. Dr (name) attending

• Note: SVD=spontaneous vagin*l delivery, LTCS= low transverse C-section, CS= C-section, EBL=

estimated blood loss, RR=recovery room, NBN=newborn nursery


Date and time:


Normal spontaneous vertex delivery (NSVD) of a live male, 3000g and Apgars 9/9.

Delivered left occiputo-anterior (LOA), no nuchal cord, and light meconium. Nose and

mouth bulb suctioned at perineum; body delivered without difficulty. Cord clamped and

cut. Baby handed to nurse. Placenta delivered spontaneously, intact. Fundus firm,

minimal bleeding. Placenta appears intact with 3 vessel cord. Perineum and vagin*

inspected – small 2nd degree perineal laceration repaired under local anesthesia with 2-

0 and 3-0 chromic suture in the usual fashion. Estimated Blood Loss (EBL) 350cc.

Hemostasis. Pt tolerated procedure well, recovering in Labour & Delivery Room (LDR).

Infant to WBN

Progress notes

• Uses the SOAP Mnemonics

• SUBJECT S: patient comment or complains, nursing comments


VITALS: blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, temps, weight, O2 sat

INS/OUTS: IV fluids, PO intake, emesis, urine, stool, drains

EXAM: physical findings

MED: pertinent routine or new medications

INVEST: new lab or procedure results

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• ASSESSMENT: A: assessment based on above data

• PLAN P: Medication change, Lab Tests, Procedures, Consults(other disciplines), Discharge


• Subjective: Patient’s comments or complaints, nursing comments


pain control,

breast tenderness,

quality of vagin*l bleeding,



bowel movement,

lower extremity swelling,


breast or bottle feed,

birth control type

• Objective:

VITALS: blood pressure, pulse, respirations, temperature

INS/OUTS: IV fluids, PO intake, emesis, urine, stool, drains

EXAM: breath sounds, bowel sounds, fundal height/consistency, incision/episiotomy

condition, lower extremity oedema, Homan’s sign.

MEDS: RhoGAM, pain med, iron, vitamins, laxative, contraceptive

LAB: CBC, RH status

• Assessment: Assessment based on data above

• Plan: Medication change, lab tests, procedures, consults, discharge

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• Date and Time:

• Subjective: Ask every patient about:

Breastfeeding – are they breastfeeding/planning to? How is it going? Baby able to latch

on? Breast tenderness?

Contraceptive plan with relevant sexual history

Lochia (vagin*l bleeding) – Clots? How many pads?

Pain – cramps/perineal pain/leg pain? Relief with medication? Do they need more pain


Urination/bowel movement- have they had urine, flatus or had bowl movement? Pain?

Colour? Frequency?

• Objective:

• Vital signs and note tachycardia, elevated or low BP, maximum and current temperature

• Focused physical exam including



Breasts: engorged? Nipples – skin intact?

Abd: Soft? Location of the uterine fundus – below umbilicus? Firm? Tender?

Perineum: Assess lochia (blood on pad, how old is pad?)

Visually inspect perineum – Hematoma? Edema? Sutures intact?

Extremities: Edema? Cords? Tender?

• Postpartum labs: Hemoglobin or hematocrit

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Assessment/Plan: PPD#_ S/P NSVD or Vacuum or Forceps (with 4th-degree laceration, with pre-


s/p Magnesium Sulfate)

General assessment – Afebrile, doing well, tolerating diet

Contraception plans (must discuss before patient goes home)

Vaccines – does pt need rubella vaccine prior to discharge?

Breastfeeding? Problems? Encourage.

Rhogam, if Rh-negative

Discharge and follow-up plan

Patients usually go home if uncomplicated 24-48 hours postpartum

Follow-up appointment scheduled in 2-6 weeks postpartum



SURGEONS: Attending, residents, students who scrubbed

ANESTHESIA: General endotracheal (GETA), spinal, local, etc



PROCEDURE: Surgery performed

FINDINGS: Rupture right cornual ectopic pregnancy with dead fetus intraperitoneal about 20wks

GA, haemoperitoneum, 4cm follicular cyst, etc

COMPLICATIONS: Tear to colon which was repaired


FLUIDS: Amount and type (electrolyte, blood, etc, in cc or units)

URINE: amount and colour at end of operation

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DRAINS: Type and location

SPECIMENS: Type send to pathology (right fallopian tube and fetus with placenta)

CONDITIONS: Stable, Fair, Guarded, extubated, etc.

DISPOSITION: transfer to recovery room, postpartum room, Surgical ICU, etc


Date and Time:

Pre-op Diagnosis: Symptomatic uterine fibroids or Pregnancy at term, failure to progress`

Post op Diagnosis: Same

Surgeon: Attending, Residents, students

Anesthesia: GET (general endotracheal, others include spinal, LMA, IV sedation)

Procedure: TAH/BSO or Cesarean Section

Findings: Exam under anesthesia (EUA) and operative findings

Complication: Tear to bladder which was repaired

EBL: 300 cc

Urine Output: 200 cc, clear at the end of procedure

Fluids: 2,500 cc crystalloid (include blood or blood products here)

Drains: If placed

Specimen: Cervix/uterus, placenta and cord.

Condition: Fair, Stable, Guarded, extubated

Disposition: Recovery room, Surgical ICU, postpartum room, etc


Admit to Recovery Room, then postpartum floor

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Diagnosis: Status post (s/p) C/S for failure to progress (FTP)

Condition: Stable, Fair, Guarded

Vitals: Routine, q shift, q4hours

Allergies: None

Activity: Ambulate with assistance this PM, then up ad lib

Nursing: Strict input and output (I&O), Foley to catheter drainage, call MD for

Temp > 38.4, pulse > 110, BP < 90/60 or > 140/90, encourage breastfeeding,

pad count, dressing checks, and Ted’s leg stockings until ambulating

Diet: Regular as tolerated; some hospitals only allow ice chips or clear liquids, semi solids

IV: Lactated ringers (LR) or D5LR at 125 cc/hr, with 20 units of Pitocin x 1-2 Liters

Labs: CBC in AM


Morphine sulfate PCA (patient controlled analgesia) per protocol (1 mg per dose with 10

minute lockout, not to exceed 20 mg/4 hours)

Percocet 1-2 tabs PO q 4-6 hours prn pain, when tolerating PO well

Vistaril 25 mg IM or PO q 6 hours prn nausea

Ibuprofen 800 mg PO q 8 hours prn pain, when tolerating PO well

Prophylactic antibiotics if indicated

Thromboprohylaxis for high-risk patients

Rhogam, if Rh-negative


Date and Time:

Day #1 (Post-op day POD#1)

Subjective: Ask patient about:

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Pain – relieved with medication?


Passing flatus (rare this early post-op), stool


Vital signs and note tachycardia, elevated or low BP, maximum and current temperature

Input and output

Focused physical exam including



Breasts: engorged? Nipples – Is skin intact?

Incision: Clean and dry? Sutures intact? odaema? haematoma?

Abd: Soft? Location of the uterine fundus – below umbilicus? Firm? Tender?

Perineum: Assess lochia (blood on pad, how old is pad? Frequency of changing?)

Visually inspect perineum – Hematoma? Edema? Sutures intact?

Extremities: Edema? Cords? Tender?

Postpartum labs: Hemoglobin or hematocrit

Fluids ins/outs;


POD#1 status post (S/P) C/S or repeat C/S (indication for the C/S)

Afebrile, tolerating pain with medication, oral intake, adequate urine output (>30cc/hr)

Routine post-op care

Discharge Foley

Discharge PCA or IV pain medications and PO pain Meds when tolerating PO

Out of bed (OOB)

Advance diet as tolerated

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Discharge IV when tolerating PO

Check hematocrit or CBC

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How to write a good H&P? ›

The HPI should be written in prose with full sentences and be a narrative that builds an argument for the reason the patient was admitted.
  1. Has a starting point (i.e. “the patient was in her usual state of health until 5 days prior to admission.).
  2. Has appropriate flow, continuity, sequence, and chronologic order.

What is the difference between HPI and PMH? ›

This is the patient's main issue. HPI – history of present illness. This is essentially the patient's answer to the question, “So what brings you in today?” PMH/PSH – past medical/surgical history.

How to do a H&P? ›

The H&P shall consist of chief complaint, history of present illness, allergies and medications, relevant social and family history, past medical history, review of systems and physical examination, and assessment and plan appropriate to the patient's age.

How to document HPI? ›

It should include some or all of the following elements:
  1. Location: What is the location of the pain?
  2. Quality: Include a description of the quality of the symptom (i.e. sharp pain)
  3. Severity: Degree of pain for example can be described on a scale of 1 - 10.
  4. Duration: How long have you had the pain.

What are the 8 elements of HPI? ›

The HPI is a chronological description of the development of the patient's present illness from the first sign and/or symptom or from the previous encounter to the present. It includes the following elements: location; quality; severity; duration; timing; context; modifying factors; and associated signs and symptoms.

What are the 7 aspects of HPI? ›

Any patient interview should start with the HPI (history of present illness, which makes up the “7 dimensions”: Chronology, Location, Quantity, Quality, Aggravating and Alleviating factors (what makes the problem Better or Worse), Setting, and Associated Manifestations.

What information is contained in a complete H&P? ›

These H&Ps should include a problem list, differential diagnoses and a patient-oriented assessment that includes a diagnostic and therapeutic plan for each of the patient's active problems. These H&Ps must represent a medical history and physical examination actually performed by the medical student.

What is a soap notes document? ›

The Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan (SOAP) note is an acronym representing a widely used method of documentation for healthcare providers. The SOAP note is a way for healthcare workers to document in a structured and organized way.[1][2][3]

How to write a comprehensive health history? ›

A comprehensive health history investigates several areas:
  1. Demographic and biological data.
  2. Reason for seeking health care.
  3. Current and past medical history.
  4. Family health history.
  5. Functional health and activities of daily living.
  6. Review of body systems.

What is H&P documentation? ›

The H&P: History and Physical is the most formal and complete assessment of the patient and the problem. H&P is shorthand for the formal document that physicians produce through the interview with the patient, the physical exam, and the summary of the testing either obtained or pending.

When should H&P be documented? ›

When a history and physical (H & P) is completed within 30 days PRIOR TO inpatient admission or registration of the patient, an update is required within 24 hours AFTER the patient physically arrives for admission/registration but prior to surgery or a procedure requiring anesthesia services.

What is included in a patient's history and physical? ›

The history component of an H&P gathers relevant information about the patient's history with their current chief complaint. This includes reviewing any pre-existing conditions, past hospitalizations and surgeries, allergies, medications being taken, and family medical history.

Can a nurse document the HPI? ›

The information gathered by ancillary staff (i.e., registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical assistant) may be used as preliminary information but needs to be confirmed by the physician. The ancillary staff may write down the HPI as the physician dictates and performs it.

What is the SOAP method of charting? ›

Today, the SOAP note – an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan – is the most common method of documentation used by providers to input notes into patients' medical records. They allow providers to record and share information in a universal, systematic and easy-to-read format.

What is opqrst assessment? ›

The first minute with the patient is meant to be used to elicit and understand the chief complaint. Novice students might use the well-known OPQRST mnemonic (onset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, and time) to assess the characteristics of the patient's symptom.

What does H&P include? ›

The H&P: History and Physical is the most formal and complete assessment of the patient and the problem. H&P is shorthand for the formal document that physicians produce through the interview with the patient, the physical exam, and the summary of the testing either obtained or pending.

How do you write a good medical record? ›

They should include: 1) All relevant clinical findings. 2) A record of the decisions made and actions agreed as well as the identity of who made the decisions and agreed the actions. 3) A record of the information given to patients. 4) A record of any drugs prescribed or other investigations or treatments performed.

How to write a medical history summary? ›

A good medical summary will include two components: 1) log of all medications and 2) record of past and present medical conditions. Information covered in these components will include: Contact information for doctors, pharmacy, therapists, dentist – anyone involved in their medical care. Current diagnosis.

How to take a good history and physical? ›

obtain a patient's history in a logical, organized, and thorough manner, covering the history of present illness; past medical history (including usual source of and access to health care, childhood and adult illnesses, injuries, surgical procedures, obstetrical history, psychiatric problems, hospitalizations, ...


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.