Carroll Daily Times Herald from Carroll, Iowa (2024)

(Iowa) Times Herald, Thursday, Jan. 27, 1944 The WANT ADS Cord Wood Isn't Dead Wood When Advertised in Want Ads CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION PHONE 240 Daily rate per word for ennsecutive sertions: One day, word 8 cents -Two days, per word 5 cents Three days, per 6 cents Your days, per word cents Five days, per word 8 cents Six One days, month, per per word word 30 9 centa (Minimum charge 30 cents) Classified display, per inch -00 cents Card of Thanks $1.00 Copy must be in office 1 p. m. to Inrare Ada insertion accepted that over day. telephone oNe from persons listed in telephone directory.

Phone 240 Ask for Ad-Taker All ads restrioted to proper Hon and to regular Daily Times Herale type style. Right reserved to edit or reject any advertising. The Dally Times Herald alms to eliminate all fraudulent and misleading classiMed advertising. The Times Herald endeav. os to print only, truthful classifled adver.

tisem*nts and appreciate having attention called to any ad Tertisem*nts not or forming to the h'ghest of honesty, NOTICE The Daily Times Herald will not be sponsible for more than one incorrect incertion of any advertisem*nt. Please read your advertisem*nt over carefully the first day of publication. 1a notify us as soon possibla and correct.on wil be made. BLIND ADS Such ads treated strictly confidenName ares person ru.ining a the will not be given. Replica to these ads must be addressed Ag stated in the ad and mailed the Daily Times Herald or left at the Dally Times Herald office.

ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST 2-A LOST: TRUCK TIRE AND wheel. Reward. Leave at Herald office. 2A-21-3tc LOST: GLASSES IN CASE, Thursday morning. Reward.

Phone 428. 2A-22-2tp BUSINESS SERVICES TRANSFER HAULING 2-C WANTED: GENERAL TRUCKing, local and long distance. Specialized in' Omaha hauling. Delbert Schirck, Carroll, Ia. Phone 663-J-12.

2C-17-6tc REPAIR SERVICE 3-C HANDLE OLD PARTS FOR vacuum cleaners, or will buy your vacuum cleaners. Ben Steen. East of Great Western Depot. 3C-20-5tp FOR SALE: WAFFLE IRON, nearly new; also repair electric appliances, radios, motors, etc. Joe Alspach, new address 709 Crawford.

3C-22-3tc MISCELLANEOUS 7-C WANTED: PLAIN SEWING. Phone 523-W. 7C-20-3tp EMPLOYMENT MALE HELP WANTED 1-D WANTED: MAN FOR SERVICE station and tank truck driving, good salary to right party. Inquire at Herald office. 1D-11-2tc WANTED: BOYS TO SET PINS after school and evenings.

Carroll Bowling Alley. McNabb Bldg. 1D-16-tfc MAN WANTED: FARM AND dairy, steady. Arthur Stuhr, phone 727-R-3, Carroll. 1D-19-6tc GET IN THE FEED A mighty good business to be in today is the feed business.

It is a war necessity business that is on the upswing, and will provide you a good income now, and a steady one for the future. No investment or equipment needed. If you are interested send your name and address to Box this paper, and our Field Manager will give you a personal interview. 1D-22-1tp FEMALE HELP WANTED 2-D WANTED: WAITRESS, hours work, $15.00 and meals; also kitchen helper wanted. Call in person.

Lincoln Cafe. 2D-17-6tp WANTED: SALESGIRLS. AP. ply in person. Ben Franklin Store.

2D-20-5tc WANTED: YOUNG LADY FOR part time house work, go home nights. No Sunday work. Phone 957-J. 2D-21-3tc FARM PRODUCTS POULTRY, EGGS 2-E BETTER ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW Remember last spring's rush for chicks? Place your order now for immediate or future delivery. Avoid possible disappointment.

All Ward's Chicks are from U. S. Approved flocks and hatcheries. Three star-quality grades to choose from, including famous blood line R.O.P. stock.

Use Ward's Monthly Payment Plan. WARDS FARM STORE 5th and Carroll 22-3tc -ON PAYDAY BUY BONDS SALE DATES CLAIMED Feb. 4---R. L. Pinney, Public Sale, in Glidden, Iowa.

Boss and Byerly, Aucts. Feb. 8-Fred Masching, Closing Out Farm Sale, 2 miles west of Carroll 1 on old highway 30 and miles south. Boss and McLaughlin, Auct. Commercial Savings Bank.

Feb. 14. -J. E. Sherer, Closing Out Sale, 7 miles north of Glidden on 286; 7 miles south of Lake City; 2 miles west and 1 south of Lanesboro.

Boss and Byerly, Aucts. Feb. 15--Closing Out Sale. V. E.

Schirck, 4 miles north, mile cast of Carroll; miles west of Lidderdale. McLaughlin Irlbeck, Aucts. Feb. 18. Joe Pudenz, night sale of Durocs.

One mile north and first place cast of St. Lawrence Church, Carroll. Art Thompson and MacMurry, Aucts. Feb. 21 Joe Pudenz, Closing Out Farm Sale, 1 mile north and first place east of St.

Lawrence Church. Carroll. McLaughlin and Aucts. Feb. 22 Tom Conners, Closing Out Sale, mile north of Manilla on pavement.

C. E. McLaughlin, Auct. Feb. 25--Nick Beyer and Son.

Complete Close Out Sale, 3 miles east and south of Carroll 4 miles west and south of Glidden; 3 miles north, 1 mile east and 11 north of Willey. Boss, Irlbeck and Byerly, Aucts. March 9-Public Sale, Ward A. Willey, 1 mile east, 2 miles north of Glidden. Stevens and McLaughlin, Aucts.

AUTOMOTIVE USED CARS TRUCKS 1-K USED CARS That Are Worth The Money DeLuxe Ford Tudor. Super DeLuxe Ford Tudor. DeLuxe Ford Tudor. Ford Tudor. Chevrolet Town Sedan.

Mercury Tudor. Mercury Tudor. Ford Tudor. Ford Four Door Sedan. Chevrolet 5 Passenger Coupe.

Chevrolet Coach. Ford DeLuxe Coupe. Ford Tudor. Ford Tudor. DeLuxe Ford Tudor.

Chevrolet Coach. Ford Tudor. Model A Ford in good condition. Good Pre-War Tires On All Cars! NEW LICENSE ON ALL CARS CAVANAUGH MOTOR CO. 21-3tc MISCELLANEOUS 4-K SEE SCHOEPPNER'S GARAGE, Templeton, Iowa, for body and fender work.

Car painting and general repair work. Make J'our appointment. East Side Main Street. 4K-210-26tc WANT ADS Bring You Cash For Your "DON'T WANTS" Answer to Previous Puzzle TELEPHONE ON NIECES PEP NEST TELEPHONE RID MA AGAIN NECK WADE PASS GO DARING ART BELL REPEL MM ME EAT DEB PARA RAD EDIT AT MI LA RAGE PERENNIAL 29 Wand of a beast 32 Unskilled 42 Czar laborer of 43 Symbol for East Indies rhodium 33 Skill 44 Exclamation 35 Burmese of satisfaction wood spirit 45 Chums 36 Thoroughfare 46 Propel one's 37 Red Cross self through needs this for water war wounded 49 Friday (abbr.) 39 Overhanging 50 Parrot edges of roofs 53. And (Latin) 41 Male parent 55 Near (abbr.) 10 12 15 08 20 22 24 25 29 30 35 36 39 40 42 43 45.

46 48 50 52 53 54 55 AUTOMOTIVE TRACTOR TIRES WE HAVE ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL SIZES 4 and 6 PLY BAR TYPE! GET OUR PRICES AND SAVE! Here are some of the sizes we have on hand! 11.25 24 11.25 28 11.00 24 9.00 36 11.00 36 12.00 36 15.00 38 13.00 28 Montgomery Ward Carroll, Iowa 20-3tc TRUCKERS ATTENTION We have the following sizes of famous U. S. Truck Tires on hand now! 700-15 6 ply 600-16 6 ply 700-16 6 ply 750-17 8 ply 600-20 6 ply 650-20 6 ply 700-20 8 ply 700-20-32x6 10 ply 825-20 10 ply Complete Stock Truck Tubes Juergens Sons Tire Headquarters 22-2tc Legal Notices OFFICIAL NOTICE Before the Iowa State Commerce Commission TO THE CITIZENS OF CARROLI. COUNTY: Notice is hereby given that a petition for a franchise to erect. use and maintain poles, wires, guy wires.

towers, cables, conduits and other fixtures and appliances for the purpose of conducting electricity for lighting. power and heating purposes has been filed by the Iowa Public Service Company. Sioux City 4. Iowa, in the offico of the lowa State Commerce Commission: that said petition asks the right to construct, operate and maintain said elec. tric transmission line over, along and across the fol'owing described public lands, highways, streams and private lands.

(6900 Volts) Beginning at the northwest corner of Section Eighteen (18), Township Eighty-two 162. North, Range thirty. five (35) West of the 5th P. Carroll County. Iowa.

thence south on the highway on the west line of said Section Eighteen (18), one-half mile. Beginning the northeast corner of Section Thirty- (31) Township Eighty- three (43) North. Range Thirty -five (35 West of the 5th P. thence west on the highway on the north line of said Section Thirty-one (31), one -halt mile. The Iowa State Commerce Commission fixed the eighth (Sth) day of February, 1944, ten (10) o'clock A.

in its office at Des Moines, Iowa, as time and place for hearing said petition. Any objections to the granting of such franchise must be in writing and filed in triplicate with this Commission at least five (5) days before date of hearing. The Iowa State Commerce Commiasian sug. gests that the objector be represented at the hearing by someone who has full thority to act for it. IOWA STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION B.

M. Richardson, Chairman. David B. Long, Commissioner. Carl W.

Reed, Commissioner. Attest: GEO. L. McCAUGHAN, Secretary. Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, January 11, 1944.

(Jan. 20, 27, 1944). E-5675 Ration Headquarters To Be Closed February 3 The Carroll County War Price and Rationing Board will be closed all day Feb. 3 as the members plan to attend a meeting at Jefferson. The Jefferson meeting, according to R.

H. Walters, district OPA director of Des Moines, will be held for the purpose of instructing and assisting the local boards with their problems. In addition to the Carroll board, boards from Jefferson, Ogden, Boone, Guthrie 'Center and Perry also will be closed in order that members may attend the Jefferson meeting. Briggs Will Be Arraigned Monday Washington (AP) George N. Briggs, indicated Tuesday on charges of forgery, false pretense and use of the mails to defraud in connection with the "Hopkins letter" episode, will be arraigned at 10 a.

m. Monday before Chief Justice Edward Eicker of federal district court, the justice department said today. Briggs, former aide to interior secretary Ickes, now is at liberty on $3000 bond. Births Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Martin of Gray are the parents of a daughter, born at the St. Anthony Hospital this morning. Cpl. and Mrs. Timothy Knoell of Anselmo, announce the birth of a daughter, Kristine Kay, born Jan.

8. Mrg. Knoell, the former Miss Magdalene Beschorner, was formerly employed at the Carroll County State Bank here. Cpl. noell is in Italy.

Today's Latest Market Reports Interior Hog Market Quotations Des Moines -Packing point hog quotations: Good Butchers (in lbs.) (Thursday's Prices): Mason City Waterloo Cedar Rapids Ottumwa Austin 160-170 10.90 11.50 11.00 11.10 170-180 11.90 12.00 11.40 11.20-11.40 11.60 180-200 12.00 12.70 12.10-12.80 12.10-12.60 12.20 200-330 13.40 13.45 13.45 13.45 13.40 330-360 12.90 13.00 12.85 12.70-12.90 12.90 Good Packing Sows: 270-360 11.70 11.75 11.70 11.50-11.70 11.70 360-400 11.70 11.65 11.60 11.40-11.60 400-450 11.60 11.55 11.50 11.30-11.50 11.60 11.70 450-500 11.50 11.45 11.30 11.20-11.40 11.50 Hog Market Slow on All Over 200 Lbs. Chicago (A) -The hog market was slow today on all weights over 200 pounds and the 330 pound weights now included in the government support levels mostly went unsold at the new price of $13.75. The cattle market was generally slow and somewhat lower than yesterday. Lamb sold steady, with action on all classes. The number of salable hogs received at the stockyards under the permit system today was 000 of which 15,000 farmer-owned swine remained unsold.

Many of these heldover hogs were weights from 200 to 330 pounds latter class being included in the support price of $13.75 for the first time today. This represented a 50 to 80 cent gain on these heavier weights. Light weights including 160 to 190 pounds sold for $12.50 to $13.50. Strictly choice steers and yearlings were scarce in the supply of 5000 cattle, and the medium to average good grades sold slow and 25 cents off with most heifers sharing the decline. Lambs were active and continued to climb, topping at $16.35 for fed wooled westerns.

This price was paid by shippers. hogs 20.000: total 000: slow weights over 200 active on lighter weights: good and choice 200- 300 Ibs. steady to $13.75: a few 300-330 lbs. unevenly 50-50 cents higher these moving up to support price of $13.75, but most. such hogs included in holdover; few lbs.

weights under 200 lbs. atrong: lbs. sows steady; good and choice 350-350 lbs. choic. 300 lbs.

to $12.25: estimated around 15,000 unsold. Salable cattle 5000: salable calves strictly good and choice steers and lines scarce: steady: medium to AVerage good grade predominating In crop, these slow. weak to 25 cents lower: bulk heif. ers weak to 23 cents off: only sorted choice lots steady: cOw'S were under verr pressure. 15 to 25 Cents down, and bulls showed A comparable decline: 4 'TS scarce firm at best.

fed steers S16.60; few loads bulk best heifers $15.50: cutter cows $7.75 down, canners St. Fit. $6.75: no many SAUSAge or beef bulls above $11.25: light bulls weighty medium grade bulls selling al stockers scarce, alow. firm. Salable sheep 5000; total 8500: moderately active: lambs steady.

sheep fully steady: four loads good and choice fed wooled Western lambs to shippers $16.10. 35: top $16.35 on one load: two loads light lambs at $16.10 graded largely good: deck good and choice 101 lb. fall shorn fed lambs $15.40: two loads medium and Joads good fed western ewes CArrying A good around 42 lb. weights $14.65: two medium and $8.25 straight: mixed cull to medium ewes, $7.25 straight." Judge McCord Is Slightly Injured In Highway Mishap Judge R. L.

McCord of Sac City is in the hospital at Ida Grove having suffered minor scratches and four broken ribs when his car skidded out of control on some gravel while on the way home from Carroll Friday evening. Judge Bruce Snell of Ida Grove said in a letter to M. J. Thelen that the condition of Judge McCord was not serious other than that the broken ribs were causing some discomfort. Inquest Planned in Red Oak Man's Death Red Oak coroner's inquest will be held this afternoon into the death of Rudolph Nelson, 37, Red Oak farmer whose body was found in his car parked in front of the Hill Top place in Red Oak, yesterday.

An autopsy yesterday disclosed his death resulted from a hemorrhage of the brain. A bachelor, he was injured Tuesday evening when he fell down several steps in leaving the Hill Top place, but witnesses said he was able to get into his car. Sheriff Wants Around Fence JailTo Keep Public Out Bridgeport, Conn. (IP) Sheriff Edward A. Platt has asked authorization to build a fence topped with barbed wire around the Fairfield county jail--but not to keep the prisoners in.

He wants to keep out the public, which has been known to slip hacksaws and "occasionally a little liquor" through first floor windows. Ration Stamps Will Expire Saturday Saturday will be the final day for a block of ration book three meat stamps, according to the Office of Price Administration, which lists brown stamps R. and of book three as expiring January 29, or Saturday. Mrs. Nora Hughes, who had been with Miss Euphemia Graham and other members of the Graham family since Thanksgiving, returned, to her home at Gage-, town, last night.

WFA Raises Hog Support Weight Limit Iowa Congressmen Hail Move as Step Toward Aiding Farmers FARM PRODUCTS FARM MACHINERY 4-E FOR SALE: 42 FT. STEEL, Rock Island elevator; 8 ft. steel section for John Deere elevator. A. A.

Epperley, Glidden, mile west, 1 mile south of Raiston. 4E-22-2tp SEEDS FEEDS 5-E FOR SALE: 300 BALES or straw. Ben Benneker. Phone 663-J-3. 5E-20-3tc FOR SALE: BALED STRAW.

Chas. Warnke. Phone 972-J-12. 5E-20-3tp FOR SALE: BALED SUDAN straw, bright, suitable for bedding or feed. Dave Wiederin, Breda, Iowa.

miles west Mt. 5E-22-3tp MISCELLANEOUS 6-E FOR SALE: COBS DELIVERED; also large truck canvas. Phone 549-J. 6E-20-3tc LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1-F FOR SALE: WHITE, MALE COLlie puppies at $2 each. H.

J. Niehaus, miles east Arcadia. 1F-22-3tp FOR SALE: TEAM OF BLACK horses, ages 7 and 11. Will Nieland, south of Carroll on 71. 1F-22-3tp FOR SALE: TEAM OF POAN mares, 3 and 4 years old, well broke, full sisters.

J. R. Gray, Auburn. 1F-19-6tp MERCHANDISE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1-G FOR SALE: NEW COOK STOVE, small, never used. Frank Ludwig, Breda, Iowa.

1G-21-3tp FOR SALE: MEDIUM SIZED heater, nearly new. B. H. Holstein, Carroll. Phone 562-W.

1G-21-3tp WANTED: USED PIANO ACcordion. Mrs. Floyd Watson, Coon Rapids. 1G-21-3tp FOR SALE: ELLWICH, TWO spool sewing machine. Joe Heinrichs, Breda.

1G-21-4tp WEARING APPAREL 2-G FOR SALE: MAN'S LIGHT SUIT, practically new; man's winter suit, both size 42. Phone 812. 2G-21-2tc MISCELLANEOUS 3-G JUST RECEIVED. A FEW pre-war cream separators with carbon steel discs. First come, first served.

Gamble's. 3G-20-3tc ORDER YOUR OIL NOW FOR spring delivery and get in on carload lot prices. Gamble's. 3G-22-1tc FOR SALE: NO. 517 DE LAVAL separator.

A-1 condition. William Branning, Carroll. 3G-21-3tp MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY 1-H WANTED TO BUY: SKELGAS "or combination stove. Mrs. Wm.

Schafer, Glidden. 1H-19-3tp WANT TO BUY: REFRIGERAtors, motors, vacuum cleaners, radios, electric irons, sewing and washing machines, in any condition. Ben Steen, east of Great Western Depot. 1H-20-5tp FOR SALE 3-H FOR SALE: KOZY BROODER and hog houses. I have open dates yet.

Get your order in early. J. T. Stangl, Dedham. 3H-22-1tp FOR SALE: PORTABLE 6 PEN hog house 18'x18', year old; brooder house, 10'x12'.

Stephen Gaffney, Lake City. 3H-22-3tc FOR SALE: HARD, STOVE wood. Inquire of Wm. Truhe, Carroll, Iowa, N. Carroll St.

3H-20-6tp FOR SALE: BROODER HOUSE 10'x14', very good condition. Clarence Schweers, Arcadia. 8H-21-6tp OFFICE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS 2-I Available Now GEM PAPER CLIPS 2 Sizes 2 Just received a large shipment of these paper clips. Quantities are not limited so buy all you want. Office Supply Store TIMES HERALD 21-4tn RATION CALENDAR 1944 FEBRUARY 1944 JANUARY PROCESSED FOODSG, and valid Jan.

1 through Feb. 20. MEATS Brown stamps R. and valid through Jan. 29.

valid Jan. 23 through Feb. 26. SUGAR--Stamp 30, Book 4. valid through Mar.

31. Good for five pounds. SHOES--Coupon No. 18 and airplane stamp 1 in Book 3 valid for indefinite period. GASOLINE--New book coupons.

No. 10 valid January 22 through March 21 (good for 3 gallons). B2 and C2 coupons good for 5 gallons each starting Dec. 1. B1 and C1 still good for 2 gallons each.

In and gasoline books number of the car license should be written on FACE (instead of back) of coupon. TIRES--ClasS A Ration: Third Inspection deadline March 31. 1944: Class Ration: Fourth inspection deadline, Feb. 28: Class Ration or bulk coupons: Deadline Feb. 29; Commermial vehicles: Every 6 mos.

or every 5000 miles, which ever curs sooner. (Tire situation critical -conserve present tires on wheels). FUEL -Period 2 colpons (10 gals. per unit) valid through Feb. 7, Perlod 3 coupons (10 gals.

per unit) valid through March 13. STOVES--Rationing began Tuesday 241 purchase certificates from local boards. RATION CALENDAR 544 JANUARY 1944 FEBRUARY TO TV SAT IN 2 3 5 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR RENT 2-J FOR RENT: FEB. 1ST, 5 ROOM modern house. 1502 N.

Adams St. A. F. Matt. 2J-20-3tp FOR RENT: FEBRUARY 1S'T, Modern home, close in.

See C. C. Basler. 2J-20-3tp HOUSES FOR SALE 3-J FOR SALE: MODERN COTTAGE on south side, automatic heat. Write Herald.

3J-20-2tc FOR SALE: MODERN HOME ON South Main St. in Templeton. Mrs. Ilda Dultmeier, Templeton. 3J-20-3tp APARTMENTS FOR RENT 5-J FOR RENT: THREE ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished.

Phone 834-W. 5J-15-tfc WANTED TO RENT 10-J WANTED TO RENT: SMALL modern house. Henry Underberg, Carroll. Phone 285-J-1. 10J-21-4tp WANTED TO RENT: FURnished house.

Leave name at Herald office. 10J-20-3tp AUTOMOTIVE USED CARS TRUCKS 1-K FOR SALE: MODEL A FORD Coupe, 4 good tires, 1 spare. Good shape. Louis W. Drees.

1K-16-6tc BIRD OF PREY HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured bird 7 Commend 13 Pomatum 14 Dispossessed 15 Symbol for erbium 16 Make a diagnosis 19 From 20 Soak flax 22 Medicinal lozenge 23 Male sheep 24 At sea 26 Caterpillar hair Shooting marbles 29 Was borne 30 Sloth 31 1 Either 32 Type of wagon 34 Lairs 37 Minute skin opening 38 Satiate 40 Land parcel 41 Leather strips 47 Malayan coin 48 Morindin dye 49 It is also known as a 51 English version (abbr.) 52 Ridge of mountains 54 One subject to a lien 56 Profession 57 Feels compunction Dally grain pt are furnished by James Frazier, correspondent for Faroll Brothers. Phone 54. Commerota! Bank Building. WHEAT Open May July 169 Hept. 167 Li 107 Mg DATA P'rev.

HIgh how Close Close 1711. 17014 1707 1083 167 14 1694 164 16794 1672, 167 774 784 77 1 70 74 44 744 1304 1314 1307. 131 1293: 129 1297. 1273 127 127 Produce Market. Carroll Produce July 14 44 Sept.

741, 7454 RYE May 13044 1311, 1304 July 1253, Sept. 1266 Hens, over 4 lbs. Hens, under 4 lbs. 17c Leghorn hens Heavy breed co*cks Leghorn co*cks 12c Sweet cream. ...52 No.

1 51c No. 2 49c Carroll Grain Market Dally Carroll grain prices are nished by the Farmers Grain and Lumber Company. Phone 251. No. 2 corn $1.01 No.

2 yellow beans 1.86 Little Change in Domestic Bonds New York (P) The main body of domestic bonds showed few changes of consequence in early trading today while fresh buying lifted a number of Argentine i issues fractions to more than 2 points. Trading was light and routine. Argentine municipal obligations were particularly favored by buyers who apparently took the view their position had improved conseiderably by the breaking off of diplomatic relations by the federal government with the axis. Some of the provincial obligations also advanced. Other foreign dollar bonds were quiet but steady.

Domestic bonds engaged in 8 series of small sidewise movements that left the list trendless most of the time. Treasury 2 of 1955 sold at 106.9 for a gain of more than 8 point. It was the first sale of that bond since last April. CHICAGO POULTRY Chicago live, firm; No cars, 15 trucks; market unchanged. LIVESOCK ESTIMATES Chicago (P) (WFA) Estimated salable livestock receipts for tomorrow: Hogs cattle 2000; sheep 5000.

CHICAGO PRODUCE Now York (P) -Butter firm. Prices unchanged at ceiling. Cheese nominal, no quotations. 150 Top Polled Hereford Cattle from 35 trading herds of the Corn Belt 90 bulls and 60 females On sale at Fair Grounds Cedar Rapids, lowa February 10th and 11th Write for free catalox to Iowa Polled Hereford Association Leigh R. Curran, Sec'y.

Mason City, Iowa. Washington Action of the War Food Administration in ralaing the support price weight limit on hogs from 300 to 330 pounds was hailed by Town congressmen us a stop toward alleviating a glut in the hog market. The Iowa house delegation issued a statement saying that much credit was due the Iowa congressmen along with representatives H. Carl Andersen (R-Minn) and Anton Johnson (R-111) for "getting the job done." Representative Gilchrist (R-Ia), acting as chairman of the group, said the WFA's action would give the farmers a chance to feed their hogs two or three weeks more during which time "it is thought that the glut might be over." Court House Notes MARRIAGE LICENSES Vernon W. Rohe and Martha Ann Halbur, both of Manning were issued a marriage license today by the office of the Carroll county clerk.

Carroll Saddle Club To Elect Officers at Meeting Tuesday Night The Carroll Saddle Club, which was organized il year ago, will hold its annual meeting, with election of officers, at 8 o'clock Tuesday night, Feb. 1, at the Farmers Sales Company Pavilion. Lunch will be served after the meeting. 1941 1941 1941 1940 1911 1940 1939 1939 1939 1039 1939 1938 1937 1937 1937 1936 1935 1929 Mrs. Margaret Lyons of Des Moines, who WAS an overnight guest in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Hahn, went to Westside this morning to visit her son, Irvin Lyons. Mrs. R. E.

Day of Council Bluffs was another recent visitor in the Hahn home. She arrived Tuesday from Linden, and visited here until yesterday, when she returned to' Council Bluffs. TO 34: MEN and WOMEN Are needed immediately in Pacific Northwest Area for YearRound Employment! COOKS BAKERS WAITRESSES DISHWASHERS C3 BUS BOYS JANITORS Transportation advanced from your home. Fine food and comfortable housing FREE! EXCELLENT WAGES If In Essential Industry or Agricultural, Do Not Apply For full information call in person at the United States Employment Service, War Manpower Commission, 8th Keeler, Boone, Iowa, or check the job you want, and mail this coupon to UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 8th Keeler, Boone, Iowa. Name Address VERTICAL 1 Musical drama 2 Most painful 3 Afternoon (abbr.) 4 Afraid (Scot.) 5 Redact 6 12 months 7 Exclamation 8 Stratagem 9 Enzyme 10 That one 11 1 Serene 12 Dropsy 17 Proceed 18 North Carolina (abbr.) 21 Beverage 23 Crimson 25 Vigilant 26 Painful spots 28 Perch Auction Sale Farmers Sale Co.

WE HAVE 'LISTED AS FOLLOWS FOR Saturday, Jan. 29 17 Hereford steers and heifers, 10 mixed stock hogs, vaccinat500 lbs. ed, will weigh about 100 lbs. 5 Shorthorn steers, 850 lbs. 1 good Duroc boar.

2 Hereford bull calves, extra 500 16 Hampshire pigs, 75 lbs. good, will weigh from 11 mixed hogs, 150 lbs. to 550 lbs. 3 Holstein cows, some giving milk now, will be fresh by 14 good mouth ewes. spring.

4 mixed steers, 750 to 800 lbs. 8 Hereford Heifers; 700 lbs. 250 bales good oat straw. 4. Hereford steers, lbs.

1 Brown Swiss milk cow. 1 2-year-old Hereford bull. Maytag motor, in good shape. 16 Hereford steers, 450 lbs. 11 Shorthorn steers, 650 to 700 lbs.

12 gauge single barrel shotgun 1 Shorthorn bull, 2 years old. with 18 shells. Phone before 9:80 A. M. Thursdays what' you expect to sell, so we can advertise same.

Farmers Sale Co. CARROLL, INWA Barn Phone 510 Day or Night Res. Phone 647.

Carroll Daily Times Herald from Carroll, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.