bryce1994 - my first time tied and tickled (ff/m) (2024)


Bryce tied & tickled first time part 4

Postby bryce1994 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:27 pm
phase 2? i didn't even know what that meant, I was struggling uselessly again as I could hear the twins bare feet tapping down the hall towards my room, I looked at Naomi still looming over me with evil eyes and tried to give her the most pathetic plea I could, "Alright" she said, "say mercy and I'll let you go right now" MmmmRRrr I think is what it sounded like and I screamed it through my tape gag as best I could at least five times in a row, "Not good enough" Naomi said with a sad*stic smile and as she turned from me and began crawling towards the end of the bed she said, "So you thought it was fun to tickle my feet Bryce? lets see how fun it is to tickle YOUR feet"

GOD NO I screamed in my brain! to my knowledge there wasn't a more ticklish spot on my body, just very close seconds, and there was being tickled then there was being tickled without being able to move at all, I could barely move toes, my bare soles were stretched out and totally immobile. I was hoping she'd leave them alone after passing them in all that light tickling, she'd been saving them, I couldn't even enjoy a glance at her bare back, her buttcrack showing with those loose pj pants, those barefeet sliding down the bed as she crawled, I couldn't enjoy anything, she was very slowly crawling towards my bare feet and I wish they would fall off or I could die as the twins both came into the room giggling looking at my outstretched pathetically struggling form screaming pleas of MMMMMM!!! over and over! They only glanced at me for a second and then to Naomi as they entered and then targeted on my bare feet giggling they ran over, Naomi must have planned this attack with them as all three closed in.

Angie in a bouncy sprint giggled "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!" with each bounced step and excessive glee in her voice, at the last 'tickle' she made contact with my right foot, the closest to the door, both of her tiny hands on it fingers moving all over my foot, up and down my sole with one, the side and top with the other her 10 little fingers, then both on up and down my soles, then one back around again, her fingers moved in constant quick gentle scratches over my foot and I lost me Fng mind! I barely was aware of my body thrashing, by that still barely moving, against my bonds, not me attempting to get out but my body moving on its own almost in a terrified panic, I slammed my head back against the pillow first then I shaking my head around, mostly trying to snake it in a big NOOOO!, I laughed screamed bloody murder into my gagg but it just came out in strange sounding muffled Mrrrmrrrmrrr EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, over and over, I don't know why or how but this reaction made her giggle and seemed to tickle even harder and faster, "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!" she was saying, and It was literally only seconds and I was in hell, or so I thought.

Bret had been only steps behind her and suddenly his little fingers were going to work on my left helpless foot with the same urgent and constant gentle scratches, he moved his hands less but was just effective, keeping one hand focusing on the top of my sole and the second focused on the middle and my heel, non moving from the area other than the frantic tickling digits. My gagged MRrrMrr sounds of laughter were now fewer and my gag screaming was more! FML!! it tickled so much, never in my life had I felt such intense tickling sensation, I struggled to look up from my head thrashing in desperation, at a glace I noted Naomi was sitting at the edge of the bed facing the twins over the rail right by my feet, the twins on either side of her looked up and down from my helpless bare soles to my desperate struggling out stretched form and mostly my bulging eyes and muffled screaming face, Angie continued her little "TICKLE TICKLE" taunt which I still don't know why but it always made it worse, and Bret was talking to his sisters as if i wasn't in the room, "oh my god, I've seen him go this crazy before" he laughed, looking down on my bare foot, his fingers seeming to move even harder and faster, "He can't move! he can't stop us!" he said and was giggling, giggling AT me. If i wasn't gagged and laughing/screaming my head off I would have told him to F** or so I began to think trying to glare at him, but was distracted as Naomi joined them.

I don't know how many here have experienced this, but when your ankles are tied and a sad*stic girl thinks to tie your big toes to something that doesn't move, maybe i'm not that flexible, but that big toe being immobile makes the rest of your toes able to wiggle at the most, but it's impossible to curl them in defensively. I've been foot tickled many many times by that age of 10 I was, but the toes would only receive some of that punishment, cause it was easy to move them while thrashing around, I couldn't thrash around to move my helpless sensitive bare feet, and now I couldn't move even my toes, I realized then even with they hyper ticklish feet I had my toes... omfg

Each of Naomi's hands slid down as she reached down over the rails, each hand dangled just over top my bound bare feet, and the wicked nails of hers, 5 on each foot focused just on my toes. She was only slowly gently sliding them, like the previous slow raking tickling she had just given me, but it was focused on just my toes, sliding them up the bottom, then sliding them along the tops, the raking them backwards against the back of them. Not only were those simple movements in themselves equal to the work each twin was doing to my feet, but each twin was still tickling me with their same dedicated intensity. 10 little fingers and 5 nails worked over each foot, I was only screaming through my gag now!

I thought later how humiliating it was, they were all torturing me, and having a laugh at my expense, TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE i could hear Angie say, Bret kept commenting on how funny it was and how "But he can't stop us!" and how great he thought 'that' was, Naomi was silent other than joining them in laughter. I couldn't think it then cause it was agonizing! I struggled useless against my restraints, trying to do so with a focused effort at actually escaping but I couldn't focus on anything but the tickling and the taunting. I remembered a chat I had with a friend about tickling and tickle torture, I was a fool to say what the difference was, I had once been pinned and gang tickled for around 10 minutes and actually pee'd my pants which was humiliating and others had a laugh at my expense, but at the time I just thought at least it stopped the tickling which till then had been the worst i've ever had, which was why I was conflicted then that I had initially been happy I went to the bathroom before bed and Naomi started tickling me, If i hadn't maybe I could have pee'd myself, as horrific and humiliating and gross as that would be, the tickling was soooo soooo soooo much worse, but I didn't have to pee.

I couldn't move at all or get away no matter what I did, My muffled protest fell on deaf ears. I kept thinking they would stop any second, but they didn't, my hands and head shook violently, my muscles tired somehow still fought, I bursted out muffled scream after scream, 10 fingers and 5 nails, never stopping on my helpless bare super sensitive feet, you'd think this excess would have the brain go into shock and turn the ticklishness off, but the more they tickled the more ticklish I seemed to get. "Lets pull his pants down! he can't stop us or even -giggle- pull them back up!" I thought I heard Bret say over my own muffled screaming and Angies current "TICKLE TICKLE, TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" song, I was too brain locked in the ticklish agony to really mentally react to that, but somewhere in the back of my brain I was thankful that Naomi responded with a stern "NO". 'Thank you' the back of my brain said and soon wanted to take it back, She changed her technique now, her wicked nail tipped little fingers no long stroking and poking my toes but outright tickling them gentle quick and constant! GDamn this family and it's skill at tickling! her nails danced quickly around my toes, focusing on scratching mostly on the very tips stopping only on occasion to dig those nails gently between my toes. My skin wanted to tear away from my feet, I was muffled screaming as high pitched as possible through the gag, like a girl, screaming like a little b#$# FML! the first second of the three of them going all out on my feet was an eternity of horrible agony, and they didn't stop after that second, they just kept tickling and tickling and tickling, Bret kept taunting and Angie kept chanting and singing "Tickle" at me, "SHUT THE #$#@ up" I think I yelled through my gag as well as a stream of hate filled cursing to pathetic begging, but due to the gag and only part of any word making it out at a time between my girlish squealing (fyi- no offense to girls here, it's just to express how pathetic i felt then, keep in mind i was 10). They just kept tickling and tickling...

I realized later Naomi probably tied me up this tight cause with the amount I struggled I would definitely have hurt myself, I couldn't move enough to do so. I thought later of what they had did to me, at the time I forgot that the only reason it was happening was because I had trapped and tickled Naomi's feet. Why then? and even this day I'm not completely sure. I wasn't too angry at the kids, they were just going along with Naomi's instructions, even though they were doing it way to well with way to much joy, which i was sure to punish them later for. Naomi though, why? tickling me for revenge was one thing, tying me up and lightly tickling me was way more than fitting revenge, but she had truly made me suffer, she seemed to really really enjoy both seeing me helpless and struggling, then more so helpless and struggling under the duress of tickle torture. I didn't learn about S&M till I hit my teens and really started investigating the internet, but even then was confused. Naomi was sad*stic and cruel, but she didn't hurt me, just tickled me, sometimes she tickled me so bad I would trade it for pain at the time, this was one of those times, the very first time, and it changed me, I didn't realize it yet but the sensation of being completely helpless at the mercy of the girl who I had loved and couldn't stop looking at the skin she bared around me, was seeping into my subconscious, I still don't understand how you can really want something so scary and agonizing.

And the scary part started, the agony continued, I started to panic as they weren't stopping, I thrashed and screamed but the tickling just kept going, I gained a brief moment of awareness as Naomi stopped her assault turning to me leaving the kids to my feet, who then each added my briefly neglected toes to areas of attack, Naomi was crawling back towards me and in my girlish squealing and struggling I looked up to my wrist in a pathetic attempt to twist turn the knots again, pulling desperately and sluggishly then going limp again other than my wiggling toes and shaking chest and head from my muffled laughter, at that same moment Naomi stratled me and our eyes met, the cold glare wasn't there at the moment but another intense look, her mouth was open and her breathing heavy as she had just watched me struggle useless again, seeing me squealing in helpless laughter before her, desperate and terrified tear-filled eyes looking back to her, muffled squeals were all that came out I couldn't even muster muffled protest or words to beg to her, I knew even if i was ungagged she'd ignore me though, that look in her eyes, she liked seeing me like this! what was wrong with her I tried to think through my agonized brain, but most of my thoughts where prayers, -i turn red now in embarrassment- prayers things such as: god please help me, please stop i'll do anything, and I want my mommy... my prayers wouldn't be answered.

I couldn't even admire Naomi sitting on me that bare belly and outie belly button normally within reach, the top of her shirt dropped off one side a bit and I couldn't even admire that cute shoulder and that boney collar bone, all I could think of was the horrible tickling and why wouldn't they stop tickling my feeet! I couldn't even admire that adorable cute face of hers, especially cause her eyes went cold and scary again, she sang along Angie for a verse "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" and was silent as her nails tore into me. Gently and quickly she started at my hips and tickled up my sides and ribs, pausing to on my armpits a moment longer then up my arms and all the way back down again, then up again, then down, over and over, sometimes focusing on the sides for a bit, then the ribs, then the armpits, then my lower arms. If I wasn't already screaming my head off and struggling... but the only change in my reaction was the slight movement of my arms and torso as my upper body barely moved in it's struggling, and the pleading crying look on my face as I tried to focus it and look to Naomi, I met only cold clinical eyes. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! my brain screamed. Naomi's evil nails finally left my sides and began doing circles on my stomach and chest, she'd pause on occasion with one hand to wiggle in my super sensitive navel, the other one still tickling away, and also pausing on occasion the dig her fingers into my newly found super sensitive hips for a bit, then back again to my belly and chest, it was then all over, her little fingers tipped with those cruel nails went up and down my sides, up my stomach and chest, making brief but pointed attacks on my hips and navel and now sensitive neck, which being able to move my chin down was pathetic but the only time this whole time I could even try, if uselessly, defend myself. This tickle attack of hers was gentle but fast and relentless, and the twins were still going at my feet like mad. After a bit I felt like I wasn't even in my bed in that room in that house, all there was was the tickling and the sound of my muffled screaming, all I wanted was to get away, to make it stop.

It was blurry when I realized they had stopped, I was still laughing, my body shaking from the laughter, I was also babbling Incoherent words into my gag and it took me a minute or two to stop me from doing it, I noticed my skin started feeling cool from the sweat, my hair was wet as was my face from sweat and tears. My body completely limp, I couldn't even move my hands and my head just kind of drooped to the side. "...had enough" "to bed, i'll tuck.." some words I made out from Naomi, in a haze I noticed Naomi had crawled off me and was laying at my side on the bed her bare feet swaying behind her, I noticed the kids were standing and moving towards my door, Angie ran back and gave my right foot another tickle, like electricity my whole body tensed, cause i had no strength of my own to do it, and I screamed into my gag, "Enough! go to bed" Naomi said, the sternness lost due to the fact she laughed when she saw my reaction, but luckily Angie obeyed. Naomi finally looked at me with normal eyes, no longer scary, I felt like I was returning my look with terrified eyes but In that state I must have just looked drunk, her hair was wet around the edges, she had actually broke a sweat in her efforts to torture me! The calmness and lack of being tortured slowly sunk in, I was catching my breath with calm long breaths, I still couldn't move though, Naomi looked at me laying along my right side and smiled, "Well THAT was fun!" she said, then her eyes turned to cold steel, "Bryce..." my head turned to her, seeing that look I started breathing heavy again in fear, "If you ever tell anyone that I did this to you, especially my parents! I'll do it again, but when I do I won't be easy on you like this time! and I won't stop! I'll make you wish you'd never been born" I visibly gulped, and thought... she, they thought they were being EASY on me! what was wrong with her!?! Her face went nice again, outright calm and serene, "Be back" she said and ruffled my hair, and she skipped out of the room. She was in a great mood as I lay there a broken blurry dazed weakened mess, and unsurprisingly passed out from exhaustion.

I woke up with a start as I felt something against me, Adrenaline coursed through me and what little energy I gained from my 2 minute nap I struggled violently and pointlessly against my restraints, I was still tied stretched out spreadeagle to the bed, my mouth and toes still taped, Naomi was lying against me on the bed and I looked to her terrified, Mmmming nonsense into my gag, NOT AGAIN! NO MORE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I thought in terrified desperation, then my brain slowly realized somethings, 1 Naomi's expression was surprised at my reaction, 2 she was holding scissors in one hand and the other she held a towel that she started dabbing at the sweat on my chest and moved it up to my hair, Her expression changed when she saw me struggling, the scary heavy breathing look, I could see it in her eyes, my struggle was just feeding her, and I could see she debated torturing me all over again, she shook her head and her expression was calm again, she continued drying me of my sweat, gently wiping my teary cheeks, then flopped the towel down on my stomach and carefully began removing the tape from my mouth. I always heard ductape hurts when pulled off, but it didn't, maybe it was a cheaper kind or the sweat had loosened it. At this I visibly calmed, my body went limp and I closed my tired eyes. She got the last piece of tape off and I forced the words out, my voice hoarse "Plu-eese No No more, Mu-ercy", the words made her flush and her mouth open and she briefly looked at me as if to put the tape back on and tickle me more and more, I didn't now I should have just shut up. Luckily again she controlled herself and said, "No Kid, you've had enough for tonight, and I hope you learned your lesson", despite her words I still panicked as she climbed off the bed and walked to the end standing before my immobile stretched out bare feet.

"NO PLEASE!! NO!!" I yelled, it again was hoarse, I couldn't help but struggle violently against my bonds again, and as I did I stopped I realized she had been moving the scissors towards my taped toe, she was untying me finally! She stopped at my reaction though watching me struggle, she was biting her lower lip, she began looking at me like a hungry dog, her eyes moving over my bound feet, up my outstretched form to my restrained wrists, I then realized she loved my protests, my struggling, possibly even my fear and suffering, I was tempting her more and more to tickle the sh*t out of me more, and I was still totally bound, it wouldn't be hard for her to retape my mouth and I'd again be in tickle hell. I suddenly shut my mouth and tried to lay perfectly still, my bare sensitive foot inches from her evil nails made it very difficult that and the increasingly scarier look in her eyes, eyes which I saw glance at the loose tape on the bed beside me she removed from my mouth, again to my bound wrists and ankles, i practically bit my tongue as she took in a sharp breath and a step back towards the bed, but she looked away, probably at my clock, let out the breath heavily and her eyes calmed, as if she hadn't acted any different for those scary few seconds she went back to cutting my big toe out of the tape, then the other, she was even humming to herself. She knelt down before my bare feet and I used all my will not to speak or react, I realized I just dodge the bullet, I'd die if i had to go through that, and what if she decided not to be "easy" on me?

Slowly and it felt cruel, she untied the ties from first the bed on both sides then my feet, which I quickly pulled up and defensively away from her, the reaction made her bite her lip again, OH GOD PLEASE PLEASE... but she slowly just walked up to my left wrist sitting on the bed, starting with the knot that was tied to the bed, the knot still around my wrist she crawled over the other side and started to free the knot connected to the bed again, I slowly moved my arm to my body the tie dangling from it, my arm was sore and tired and bringing it down was a relief, I realized she untied me like this slowly to show at any second she could tie me back up if she wanted to, and I sighed in relief as she untied each of the last knots around each wrist. I lay there exhausted watching her gather the ties, scissors, and scraps of tape and she left the room, leaving my door open and light on as if to return. I curled slowly into the fetal position, my limbs were sore, my wrists and ankles red from struggling and my muscles felt like floppy noodles, I realized even now she could tie me back up and I couldn't physically be able to stop her.

Naomi stood again in my doorway, weak as I was my eyes couldn't help but scan that bare belly, those feet, and her shirt was still to one side showing that soft shoulder and boney collar bone, but I did make a quick look as well to her hands to make sure she didn't have anything to tie me up with, she blushed as I oggled her, and laughed lightly at me, god I must have looked pathetic. I should F@#$ hate her I thought and there I was checking her out, but I was too tired to feel angry. She then surprised me and did something she had never done and something I'd never forget, she turned the light off and crawled behind me on the bed putting an arm over my fetal form, and cuddled with me! The near most terrifying night of my life suddenly shifted to one of the best in seconds! I wanted to lay there forever her cuddling against me, oddly making me feel safe even though only minutes ago she scared the S#$ out of me, I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy it long, cause I fell fast asleep.

More encounters with Naomi to come bryce1994 - my first time tied and tickled (ff/m) (1)

bryce1994 - my first time tied and tickled (ff/m) (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.